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Supplement For Incontinence

Guest HersheysMom

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Guest HersheysMom

I figured there may be some other greys on the board that can't have Proin for one reason or another, so I wanted to post that I've had great success with a supplement called Senior Bladder Support by Naturvet.


Long story short Sonie was leaking several times a day and was put on Proin. It worked very well, but after about a month I noticed my already spooky dog was developing more anxious behaviors. I didn't know for sure if it was the Proin, but figured the only way to know for sure was to wean her off of it and see if the undesirable behaviors stopped. I did this very gradually, keeping her on both Proin and Senior Bladder Support for about a month as I gradually reduced the Proin dosage. She has now been off Proin and on this supplement exclusively for two months without incident. It was a very smooth transition. She's leaked once in the two months she's been on it, and it was a day I'd forgotten to give her a dose. I highly recommend this supplement for any dog with a leaking problem!


Senior Bladder Support

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Thanks for sharing! I'm going to give it a try since it's all natural and I can't/don't want to give Proin or DES to one of mine.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Greyhound Gang carries some Azmira products. All natural and holistic. We've been very pleased with them, particularly the anti-inflammatory Yucca Intensive.

I've personally used on one of my hounds their incontinence formulasuccessfully.


From our web site:

Kidni Kare,a standardized herbal extract from Azmira, can help with urinary incontinence in young or old pets or humans. It's also a restorative tonic which strengthens the musculature of the pelvic organs.


Certified Fresh Ingredients - plaintain leaf and corm, african buchu leaves, corn silk, horsetail grass, st johnswort flower buds, arnica flowers, thuja leaf. Grain Alcohol.


Dosage - One drop per 5 lbs of body weight. Dilute 1/4 tsp of liquid per 2 drops. I double or triple the dose and put in food usually. It's only $13.95. Additionally, proceeds help hounds find forever homes.

Claudia & Greyhound Gang
100% Helps Hounds

GIG Bound!

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Thank you for this post as I am going to try it on my Brandi too.


Greyhound Gang carries some Azmira products. All natural and holistic. We've been very pleased with them, particularly the anti-inflammatory Yucca Intensive.

I've personally used on one of my hounds their incontinence formulasuccessfully.


From our web site:

Kidni Kare,a standardized herbal extract from Azmira, can help with urinary incontinence in young or old pets or humans. It's also a restorative tonic which strengthens the musculature of the pelvic organs.


Certified Fresh Ingredients - plaintain leaf and corm, african buchu leaves, corn silk, horsetail grass, st johnswort flower buds, arnica flowers, thuja leaf. Grain Alcohol.


Dosage - One drop per 5 lbs of body weight. Dilute 1/4 tsp of liquid per 2 drops. I double or triple the dose and put in food usually. It's only $13.95. Additionally, proceeds help hounds find forever homes.


Claudia, just saw this post. I will try this for Brandi instead. Thanks.


Sharon Haugen



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Thanks for bringing this up, Carolyn. Our dog didn't do well on Proin so we stopped it fast. We've had good results with a product almost identical to yours that we got from the vet. But yours is cheaper! :colgate


Interesting, Claudia's formula is entirely different. So if one of these things doesn't work for a given case, one could try the other! I love options! :)

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest UESBrindle

Thanks for posting this - I will check it out. William has been on Proin since the summer for leaking, and will be interested to see what my vet thinks about it too.


It looks like you have to go to a store to buy it - that site didn't have prices listed. Would you mind sharing how much you paid for a bottle of 60 tabs?


Thank you!

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Guest HersheysMom

Actually the cheapest I've seen it is online is at entirelypets.com It's 7.99 there for a 60-ct bottle. You can also buy it a Petco online or in the store, but it's more $


One thing I like about this is it does not have soy. I was looking at similar products and Mary (greyhead) advised me that sometimes soy may effect thyroid medications, which Sonie is on. I was so glad she told me that. Since so many greys are on thyroid meds, it's good to note.


Some things to know for those seriously interested. This product is well regulated. I emailed the Senior Product Specialist a couple of times and she explained this to me "Any reports we receive where our products are indicated in an adverse event, we are required to fill out a form and turn it in to The National Animal Supplement Council. They in turn, report it to the FDA. I’ve never had a report where this product has caused any adverse event. But we do know that animals can have an adverse reaction in any ingredient, and we take this reporting system very seriously."


As a result the label has some Cautions as you may see for a drug which you wouldn't normally see on an all natural product. Probably, many natural or herbal products out there should have the same labeling but they are not all regulated so they don't have to. One example is the bottle states "May have hypoglycemic effects" I emailed the manufacturer and she wrote back "We are a member of the NASC and as such, must conform to their labeling regulations. The precaution is on the label due to the marshmallow root. We use marshmallow root in a few of our products and, to my knowledge, it has never caused a hypoglycemic problem with an animal. But that's not to say it can't happen."


How many products out there have marshmallow root and don't have this caution on the bottle? My point is, the product is labeled a lot like a drug, anything that could potentially be a problem or side effect is on the label. So don't let that throw you. It's an excellent product which is the very reason why they have such labeling.


Good luck for any who tries it. I couldn't be happier! And Sonie takes it like a treat - she used to spit out the Proin.

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Guest LindsaySF

Glad to hear this is working for some people. I'd be interested to hear about other experiences.


Sophie is on DES, I was reluctant to put her on Proin. I looked into this product but the side effects of some of the herbs concerned me (including diuretic effects and seizures, we have enough of that). But if she has any problems with the DES we'll consider it.





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