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Guest hshirlow

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Guest hshirlow

Sunshine keeps getting cuts on her legs, and I don't know what to do to get them to heal quickly. Last night, she licked open her wound and it was bleeding all over. I can't put bandages on them for she eats everything. Any advice? Is there a liquid glue I can use?

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Just went through this with Lenny and his leg. Could not get it to heal until I used the EMT gel and vet wrap and it healed well and fairly quickly.


Good luck


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Javasmom

Java did that for a while. Dogs do tend to lick when something hurts, even if it is joint pain. About the only thing I could do is distract him by giving him a bone or a kong. He'd tire himself out then fall asleep. Eventually it healed.

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Guest DylanGospel

This is a fairly new product that we got from our vet. It really is amazing. She said that if the dog doesn't lick it off for five minutes, it will work. It's called Quick Derm. I've used many, and this is by far the best! IMHO

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I used Collasate ointment (from vet) on a leg wound. It's healing beautifully, but I know it's hard to keep them from licking or

chewing off bandages. Vet wrap kept slipping off....I finally wound up using one of my socks (wound too high up for a toddler sock)

& taped it on with medical tape. Amazingly, he left it alone. Good luck.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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