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Bark Bark Bark

Guest Tokolos

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Guest Tokolos

Every day, Sprinkles will stand in front of my chair and bark at me. Many times, it's because he wants to go out or wants someone to join him in the kitchen while he eats. Lately, I do both of these things, but when we return to the living room, he comes near my chair and barks again. Any thoughts on what he wants?

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Guest scfilby

Hummm.. I would guess the following..


- wants to go for a walk

- wants more food

- wants a treat

- wants attention

- wants to hear himself bark

- wants a new greyhound brother or sister

- wants to play

- wants to sit on your chair

- doesn't like the program you are watching


These guys can be so goofy.. it could be just about anything.

Our hounds will stand at my chair and breathe dragon breath on me if they want to go out or want food. Cy will bark, mouth my arms and act a fool if I ask him what he wants. After potty and dinner they all come around and breathe more thank-you dragon breath into my face. If I'm lucky I will also get a nice after dinner belch..

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Guest Tokolos

Ha, it really could be any of those things. The last time he did this, I took him for a walk---he normally just ventures out in our fenced yard. He enjoyed it for about 5 minutes, then slowed down and turned around for home. Not much of a walker at all.

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Guest sheila

probably just wants to see how many different things he can get you to do. While it might seem cute and funny for awhile if it was me I would work on training him not to to this so much.

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Unless you want him to continue this behavior (which would drive me NUTS), I'd stop responding by getting up and trying to figure it out.


I'd take the opportunity to work on "quiet" and "go lie down."


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest MyHoodies

My do that and after awhile it did get annoying. Now if they bark after they have been out or feed... i just tell them to go lay down.... it works and my "servant" days are over.... well kind of :blush

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Guest Gweneth06

Sounds like he's doing some demand barking. You don't want to encourage this since it will probably only get worse. I have had fosters that would do this....have to ignore it by not reacting or getting up and leaving the room or do some training with him.

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Guest 4dogscrazy

Only one of mine really does this, Tempe. What she is saying? "I HAVE TO POOP, I HAVE TO POOP, I HAVE TO POOP & I KNOW WE WERE JUST OUTSIDE BUT I HAVE TO POOP!!!!!" girl can not hold her poop for more than 2 seconds. And I know what you are thinking: her poop is fine. Not liquid.


If any of the others do this, or whine at me, I tell them to go lay down. If I don't take Tempe out? She poops in the house. Lesson learned here. :lol

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Guest greytmiles

Miles would do the I'M BARKING IN YOUR FACE, DON'T YOU HEAR MEEE?! (and sometimes still does) whenever he wanted me to play with (read: entertain) him. I'd give him the snub - looking up and away, silently staring at the ceiling, turning my back sometimes. Then once he quiets down I'll wait several minutes, and give him attention if I'm in the mood.


I found that the ignoring worked pretty well. I was always worried that if I told him 'hush' or 'quiet' that he would see that as at least SOME kind of reaction from me, and keep working harder (and louder) to get it. :rolleyes:


Fortunately his 'pee! poop! right now!!' signal is to frantically run back and forth b/n the front and back door. So it's pretty flippin' obvious when the poor boy really has to go.


gotta love these silly dogs.


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