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Erosive Polyarthritis Of Greyhounds

Guest LittleGreys

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Guest LittleGreys

Just wondering if anyone has dealt with EPG? What meds seems to help, not help, any other therapies, etc.

My 4 year old girl has been diagnosed with this for awhile, and she is declining over time. She is on pred, imuran, and tramadol.

Let me know if anyone has gone through this. I know its not good, but will do whatever I can if I can buy her some quality time.

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Guest eaglflyt

I haven't gone through this with my dogs, but have some similar personal experience. Here's an excellent source. Best wishes for you and your hound and I'd recommend contacting Dr. Cuoto at Ohio State University's Greyhound Health and Wellness Program for a consult/additional opinion.

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yes, Beau was dx with polyarthrtis back in 08. He also suffers from severe IBD which we came close to losing him from. My poor boy was down to 52.4 pounds. Quite frightening.


He too was on high doese of pred, imuran but we did the non traditional shot of metacam with a dose of a stomach settling shot as well. It worked miracles. We also gave him doxy for 10 days when he has a flare.


We weaned him all the pred and imuran and put him on budesonide.Budesonide is non systemic and localized to the intestines and not absorbed throughout the system only the intestines which helps the IBD. He had what we think was a recent flare (he stopped eating and he was lame in his left hip (It's usually the right side) and we took himn off the budesonide an dput him on 10mg of pred to jumpstart his appetite. That's where we are right now.


Beau was diagnosed with all of this just shy of his 5th birthday. It sucks.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest LittleGreys

I haven't gone through this with my dogs, but have some similar personal experience. Here's an excellent source. Best wishes for you and your hound and I'd recommend contacting Dr. Cuoto at Ohio State University's Greyhound Health and Wellness Program for a consult/additional opinion.

We took her to Ohio State a couple years ago for what was supposed to be a consult with Dr Couto. Not the best experience and I doubt I will ever go back there. We are now working with a specialist in Pittsburgh.

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Guest LindsaySF

WAG has a foster dog (Becky) with immune-mediated poly-arthritis. I can probably put you in touch with her foster mom.


Also Jordan (Greyhndz here on GT) had an IG with IMPA. She passed away last year.


Best of luck.






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Guest selori

My greyhound has immune-mediated polyarthritis. It is considered "idiopathic" (meaning no know cause).


I inquired at the specialist whether our dog's condition was considered erosive or non-erosive. I can't remember if she said that there is there is a way to tell definitively, but I do remember that they said you can typically see slight deformities with the erosive form in the joints even early on. Therefore, we believe our dog has non-erosive IMPA.


Our dog has been on Prednisone (now 15mg every other day)since February, and until recently, Imuran as well. He has had several joint taps, and two sets of bloodwork since the last joint tap. Everything is going well, without any relapses. The worst thing we've experienced is a case of demodectic mange (see my post above). The plan is to go down to 5mg of pred, and then go off meds all together in a few weeks. I am very apprehensive about this, but I obviously want our dog to go meds-free, if at all possible.


I am not sure how treatment or prognosis might be different for erosive polyarthritis, so I'm not sure if this is relevant. I would really be interested in keeping tabs on your situation, though, as we are going through the same. Good luck and please give updates:}.

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Guest LittleGreys

The non-erosive IMPA is different than what my girl has. I wish she had IMPA, at least there would be some more hope. The specialist in Pittsburgh asked if we wanted to keep treating her. I guess that was his polite way of suggesting euthanasia. We are not at that point yet, but I fear it is not too far in the future. She is only 4 and is such a special dog. She is a Therapy dog with TDInc, but of course is not visiting right now due to her situation. I would love to see her be able to go back and visit, she loves the people so much.

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Guest LindsaySF

Becky has erosive IMPA. Every time her meds are tapered down she has a flare-up. :( She turned 3 in April.


I hope you are able to find answers for your girl.

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Guest selori

I'm so sorry, LittleGreys. Having a sick dog is so distressing. I can't offer advice, but I really feel for you. I lost my first greyhound in January (to cancer). I hope you have still have lots of quality time left.


Take care.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ChasesMum

My greyhound has immune-mediated polyarthritis. It is considered "idiopathic" (meaning no know cause).


I inquired at the specialist whether our dog's condition was considered erosive or non-erosive. I can't remember if she said that there is there is a way to tell definitively, but I do remember that they said you can typically see slight deformities with the erosive form in the joints even early on. Therefore, we believe our dog has non-erosive IMPA.


how early on? My Chase has a swollen leg and she has xrays last week - 2 days or so into the swelling - that showed no bony changes, I wonder if it was too early?



Our dog has been on Prednisone (now 15mg every other day)since February, and until recently, Imuran as well. He has had several joint taps, and two sets of bloodwork since the last joint tap. Everything is going well, without any relapses. The worst thing we've experienced is a case of demodectic mange (see my post above). The plan is to go down to 5mg of pred, and then go off meds all together in a few weeks. I am very apprehensive about this, but I obviously want our dog to go meds-free, if at all possible.


I am not sure how treatment or prognosis might be different for erosive polyarthritis, so I'm not sure if this is relevant. I would really be interested in keeping tabs on your situation, though, as we are going through the same. Good luck and please give updates:}.



what were the early symptoms of IMPA? or EPG? chase has ehrlichiosis and they think maybe an immune issue as well. her poor leg is so swollen...I am curious if any therapies might help - ice? heat?


it seems like everyone's greys are young with this - my Chase has been pretty healthy until all this and she will be 10 in October.

Edited by ChasesMum
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