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Do Your Hounds Love Water?

Guest NeroAmber


117 members have voted

  1. 1. How much love does your hound have for the wet stuff?

    • Loves it! Can't get enough!
    • Will go in water if it's a hot day, but not normally otherwise
    • will tolerate a bath but will not voluntarily go in water
    • Won't even go out in the rain and avoids puddles!

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Guest Longdog

Willie and Whizzy both like to cool down in the water - Willie actually jumped into the fish pond yesterday so needed a hosing down afterwards - must stop him from doing this otherwise I will have no fish left.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest katieandpadfoot

My girl loves the water!!! She dives in the pool all the time. We actually got her a life jacket incase she tries while we are not in there with her. My boy however shakes like a leaf when he even gets a bath!!

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Guest FordRacingRon

Leia hates baths, is scared to death of them. The rain factor is null here in Los Angeles but when it doen rain she doesn't mind,,,,and she does love her pool.





She has never seen the ocean or a river or a lake (except for the small one at our park). She did fall into a pool once and I discovered she can't really swim, but she can keep her head above water.



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This is our boy's first summer with us so he's still learning about water. He seems to like it well enough though ;)



(With thanks to the person who shot this on our GA walk a couple of weeks ago - we really love this pic!)

Merlin (Heathers Wizard), Mina (Where's Rebecca), and Mae the Galga - three crazy dogs in the house of M

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My girls will tolerate a bath but are not crazy about the water, we got them a baby pool and all they use it for is to cool their feet or get a drink, my younger girl will walk through puddles because she has to have a drink from each one of them and they will avoid going out in the rain, will only go out in the rain if they really really need to go and then they are very quick about it.

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Guest Cris_M

Couldn't figure out how to answer the poll since we have had multiple greys.


One hated all non-drinking water. He'd see rain out the front door, walk to the back door hoping for different weather, and decide going out was dumb.


One is fine with rain no matter how heavy. Other water holds no interest for him.


One thought water was the ultimate in life's pleasures. Sitting in any body of weather could have been a forever activity for him.

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Guest Sunset123

Arrisa is SUCH a stinker.


I bought a baby pool for her and I've brought it out into the yard on hot days. Since she came from Arizona, I thought maybe she'd seen one before. She acted like she hadn't, and I worked to get her to understand that you're supposed to go into the pool to cool off. I could get her to gingerly step in when I coaxed her and then she'd jump right back out again in a moment. She'd do zoomies and make big flying leaps OVER the pool.


Guess what happens when I bring her to a meet up?




She was the queen of the pool! She was running in and out of the pools and having an absolute blast in the water. It wasn't even that hot out. I couldn't believe the nerve... :P

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Guest TexasGreytMom


I had a sweet brindle boy named Racer....the day he died, he spent a lot of time laying in the wadding pool in the back yard. He was so content, then about 3pm that afternoon he came in the house, got on the couch & laid down & died in my arms.


Heehoo - Thanks for sharing! What a sweet story. Sounds as if Racer had the best day ever!

Edited by TexasGreytMom
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I wouldn't say Riley loved the water, but he quickly learned that water = cool. He would wade into the stream or ocean on his own, and would swim as long as he had some assistance. :wub:


The kiddie pool never worked out, though - he thought it was the best place to pee. We used to go to a dog park that had one, and w/o fail he would run over and pee into it, so embarrassing! :blush:rolleyes:










this was a few days before he died, and right where I spread his ashes :heart


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Sterling andd Kelsey love the water. One time Sterling went in during the winter - with his coat on rolleyes.gif . They are also very good taking baths.


Love all the pics of hounds enjoying the water.

Edited by SIGreyLady



Mimi- mom to Burdette (KB's Burdette), Sophie (LL's Stupid Is) and bridge babies Kelsey (Kelso's Logo), Sterling (Cold B Tiger), Fritz, Tasha, Chloe and Molly

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  • 1 month later...
Guest NeroAmber

Hmmmm...all of these photo's are starting to convince me that my two would probably like swimming, if they weren't so wimpy! I am LOVING all of the photo's (especially the one of Riley on his back! :lol Bless him)

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Guest grammarules

Shelby loves the water. My Bichon hates to go out in the rain but, Shelby would stay out all day. We had some flooding this spring and there was a huge 'pond' in our back yard. She ran through it and if I splashed she'd get all excited. I was surprised. I didn't know greyhounds liked water. :rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...
Guest greytgravy

Does it count loving water if Cam hates the rain but loves puddles and playing in his water bowl? I don't know about baths since I have him groomed. Wiggly dog and one person? I'd lose so fast. He seems to like feeling better, though. Speaking of which, I need to take him next week for a groom before we go to the vet's. I frequently have to mop up around the water bowl, since he thinks the dog under water is playing with him. Not always the brightest bulb in the pack.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest greytone

Freddie tolerates a bath and will give me those sad puppy dog eyes. He doesn't go into a swimming pool because he thinks its a giant water bowl just for him. And if its raining outside, forget about Freddie going outside. He can't get his paws wet, lol. Poor guy, even with a rain jacket he won't go potty. I guess he thinks he's going to melt.

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I can't actually vote in the poll because while Miss Sadi doesn't mind walking through puddles and used to love to run in the sea, she hates going out in the rain.....as I told a fellow dog walker earlier today (it's raining hard here today) she doesn't mind water from underneath she just doesn't like it coming from above :huh

<p>"One day I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am"Sadi's Pet Pages Sadi's Greyhound Data PageMulder1/9/95-21/3/04 Scully1/9/95-16/2/05Sadi 7/4/99 - 23/6/13 CroftviewRGT

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