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Help Me Get Wizard To Eat.

Guest SusanP

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ETA: If Wizard is an IBD dog, it's not surprising that he turns down most of what you're offering, even PB and tuna. What seduces other dogs doesn't work on IBD dogs.


Spencer skips a meal or two, or more, weekly. (He gets three per day.) He then misses the pills that would go with the meal. The vets say not to sweat it, that missing a thyroid pill, a Flagyl, a Tylosin dose won't hurt him. The only pill I insist he take, on schedule, is the budesonide. I just wrap canned food around it generously, and he eats it.


So what pills are we talking about here? Any chance you can let it go for now and try again tomorrow?


The canned A/D is good stuff. Prepared raw is good too, like what was mentioned in an earlier post, and may be better. (We use Primal Pets venison.) If it makes you nervous, Doggfather recommends microwaving for 30 seconds right before serving. That kills possible germs without destroying the enzymes and stuff that make raw a good idea. Either of these approaches is worth a try.


We haven't yet used a prescription food on Spencer, in the year and a half that he has had intestinal trouble. Not making any judgments, just stating the fact. But he *never* turns away from the raw venison, though sometimes he prefers it microwaved. So now I microwave it every time, and he never rejects it. (What he sometimes rejects is his kibble meal in the morning.)


You sound tired, hon. ((((Susan)))) There! Perked up now? lol.gif If I were you at this point, I think I'd figure out where to get some prepared raw food, and otherwise just relax with Wizard. Let me know if you need help or more info about any of this. I'll be checking on your thread through the evening. bighug.gif

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest SusanP

Thank you so much, everyone. DH came home and took over and got all Wizard's pills into him in peanut butter (something I'd tried repeatedly and failed at). Yes, I am tired. And now I can go to sleep. Goodnight, you helpful people!

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Guest zoolaine


What if we just can't get pills into him anymore? I'm not going to turn his life, or what's left of it, into a struggle to get pills that aren't even helping him down his throat.



:grouphug I know how much this feeling sucks. When Sunny was diagnosed with cancer in late January he got very picky and practically stopped eating and getting his meds down him was a nightmare. It got to the point where I had to stand behind him, open his mouth and throw the pill into the back of his throat. Which he would usually spit out and then clamp his mouth shut. It made me want to cry every morning and evening when it was medicine time. I HATE that feeling of fighting with them. I luckily discovered that Sunny loves ham and since then I wrap his pills in a piece of warmed ham and have another one to give him right after. He is now doing much better and I can pretty much put his pills in anything again and he will eat it. Hang in there and make sure you are taking care of your self. It is really stressful and draining caring for a sick pup.

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Guest Stripeyfan

Really sorry to hear you're having problems again. I've nothing to add to the greyt ideas already posted here, but hope you got some sleep (I know things always seem a lot bleaker with Kelly when I've missed sleep because I've been worrying about him). Take care and :grouphug to you and Wizard.

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My favorite pill delivery vehicle is american cheese. You can take a strip (maybe 1/3 of a slice) roll it around the pill and warm it in your hand to sort of encase it in a capsule. I also had good luck with hot dog slices and braunswager...but had to keep constantly switching them up. My sister adopted little sickly Lennie from rescue and has had the best luck with her using greenies pill pockets. They are sort of pricey but it is the only thing Lennie will go for. Good wishes Susan.

Edited by Hubcitypam
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Guest SusanP

It's morning, and thanks again, everyone. Wizard didn't wake me last nite, though he did leave a giant puddle in the living room. I'm going to see if DH can handle his pills again this morning.


For years, American cheese wrapped around pills has been our standard. But suddenly yesterday it just stopped working. DH got the peanut butter to work last nite, but honestly, the only two foods Wizard is really interested in eating are peanut butter and babyfood pureed meats, and I'm afraid if he associates either of them with pills, we'll be down to only one.


He's still snoozing, and I have to work this morning (I took the last two days off due to my own illness and Wizard's, for both health and sanity) but DH says he can go into work late to make sure Wiz is done eating, pottying and is settled and sleeping. We'll see what today brings


Thank you again for all the support you have given me. Going through stuff like this alone would kill me.

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Guest zoolaine


Wizard is really interested in eating are peanut butter and babyfood pureed meats, and I'm afraid if he associates either of them with pills, we'll be down to only one.





That is a good point. When Sunny was trying Tylan powder, the vet recommend not putting it in fish - he loves fish and would always eat it because "you don't want to ruin fish for him". It is so hard when they don't want to eat.

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