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Changing A Poop Schedule

Guest Dragonmom

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Guest Dragonmom

i know it sounds odd, but Winnie has been pooping and peeing in her crate the last 3 days :( I make a point of taking them for potty breaks before going anywhere and crating her. would changing her feeding times help? anything to maybe get them more regular. Bella is fine and doesn't mess in her crate and neither does Tucker.

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Changing feeding times would help with her pooping schedule but I don't think it would affect her peeing. Just my opinion though


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Guest Dragonmom

Changing feeding times would help with her pooping schedule but I don't think it would affect her peeing. Just my opinion though

the peeing i can deal with, it doesn't get tracked all over my carpet :( Shoving a 65 lbs dog in the bath tub everyday after getting home is really wearing thin.

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