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Quick Chemo Q

Guest bigorangedog

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Guest bigorangedog

So, now that we know that Small White Dog has mets in his ulna and spine, we've stopped the doxorubicin chemo (he only had one treatment left). And we're starting him on the metronomic protocol (alendronate, cyclophosphamide, doxycycline, and an NSAID). Also continuing the Artemisinin, a multivitamin, Fresh Factors, possibly adding naltrexone if we can get it, and I have some Gabapentin waiting for when I need it. Yikes!


Anyway, for anyone who has done the metronomic protocol (there must be someone out there in GT Land, right?), can you tell me what dose of cyclophosphamide (cytoxan) you gave? My vet gave us 25mg tabs to give every other day, which were left over from her own osteo greyhound when he was doing the protocol last year (she has since lost him). But a friend of mine with a different vet gave 50mg every other day to her greyhound. So I'm wondering what others have been told.



Jen and Whitey

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Reviewing the literature, I see a dose of cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) 50mg/m2 given orally every other day. There's a chart which calculates body surface area, measured in m2


BSA chart



For instance,


Say, Whitey weighs 35 kg. That = 1.07 BSA. Multiply that by 50mg, and it would give you roughly 50mg a day if you round it out. It's given every other day.

Edited by greyhndz


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Guest bigorangedog

Reviewing the literature, I see a dose of cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) 10mg/m2 given orally every other day. There's a chart which calculates m2


if you give me his weight I can calculate it for you. It appears that Cytoxan is usually given 4 days/week, which would be every other day. That's from the literature, citing Dr. Couto.


Wow! Awesome! He's about 65 lbs... :)

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Wow! Awesome! He's about 65 lbs... :)


Here ya go: For 65 lbs, rounding up slightly to 30kg, BSA = 0.96. At 50mg/m2 = 48mg. That would be rounded up to 50mg, since the tabs only come in 25mg and 50mg. He'd be getting 50mg orally every other day. :)


ETA: I had the wrong dosage initially - it's 50mg/m2 not 10.

Edited by greyhndz


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Guest MorganKonaAlex

Alex was on the Metronomic protocol for a short while after we discovered lung mets from osteo. The dose was 25mg every other day for the Cytoxan. Alex's weight was in the low 70s after his amputation.

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