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Bug Bite, Sprain

Guest trevdog

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Guest trevdog

Ossie has been limping slightly all afternoon. I checked but couldn't find anything until this evening. One of his front legs below his wrist towards his foot is swollen. I've palpitated it and he doesn't seem to mind and is not licking at it or anything. He hasn't been running or anything latley due to the chilly, wet weather here and was fine yesterday. I'm thinking he may have been bitten by something as I now see the redness in the picture. It is a slightly firm knot under the skin but kind of squishy too. Any ideas? Of course he's almost 10 and I dread the C word and I'm a worrier as it is....perhaps a sprain, although the front of his leg is pefectly normal, the back is just puffy and red. Maybe some benadryl? I'll keep an eye on it overnight.... it's the right foot, sort of hard to tell in these pics...all the way from the pad to his wrist is kind of puffy.







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Have you checked his pad for any kind of tiny cut or puncture, the reason I ask is because one of my boys just woke up one day with his foot swollen, it was soft and mushy swollen. I took him right to the vet and it turns out he had a tiny puncture wound on the pad, it got infected and the infection had started to travel up his leg which had caused the swelling. Ten days on antibiotics and he was good as new.

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Guest Energy11

Well, you could try (2) 25 mg Benedryl, just in CASE it is a bite, and go from there. Go ahead and give the Benedryl, and you could also ice the area (*be sure to wrap the ice/ice pack in a towel before applying, and take it off and on 15 min on, 15 min, off ...etc.)


I'd say, give this day or two, and if it hasn't gone back to normal by Monday, a vet visit would be in order.


DON'T THINK THE BIG "C" yet ... please! Good Luck!

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One of my greyhounds once developed a persistent lump behind his wrist with slight lameness and it turned out to be partially ruptured tendons. Our regular vet had no idea what it was, though, and I only found out when I eventually took him to a track vet. After 6 months of lead walking only (including in the garden) he was fine. I can't tell from your pictures if Ossie's is exactly the same, but your description of "slightly firm knot under the skin but kind of squishy too" does sound very familiar.


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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Guest trevdog

It's more swollen this morning and he's not so thrilled with me touching it. I don't see the redness now either. We have a 10 AM appt today. I can't think of anything he's done, like I said it's been too yucky here to do much running outside.

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We had a very similar situation with Brandi several months ago. Thought her foot might have gotten caught between a sofa section when she went to jump off sofa. But later on because of the swelling and redness we think it was a bug bite. We kept icing it every hour to bring the swelling down which really helped. We wish you the best!



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Guest trevdog

The vet seems to think it's either a soft tissue injury or a bite of some kind. Xrays showed no breaks or fractures, just lots of swelling. Didn't see any puncture marks or foreign objects either. And all the bones looked good on the xrays although Ossie did wince when they were doing the exam when they were checking the upper part of his toes. The redness may be from bruising. Sent us home with a week's supply of Dermaxx and to follow up if it gets worse or doesn't improve greatly in the next week. He was thrilled to get out of there though, even DH commented he hadn't seen him that excited in awhile.


I'll keep trying to ice it too, but he's not liking it too much. It's possible he did something playing with Reiley a few days ago and it took a bit for it to bother him.

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Guest Energy11

Well, good news that it isn't "serious." You could try ice, alternating with heat. I know, in humans, sometimes, that works wonders. I also think the Epsom Salts are a good idea! Good luck, AND, sending many hugs !



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