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Ok, So Violet Got A Boo-Boo...

Guest Lovemyhound

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Guest Lovemyhound

Some of you may have seen my recent post of Violet's new found joy of running in the freshly fallen snow! :snow:banana




Then, I asked about a particular disposable latex bootie for paw protection(maybe I was having a premonition) thanks btw for all of the fabulous recommendations...

but today, after returning from our relatively short walk, I decided to let Violet and her foster brother Honor have some back yard play time!

It was a beautiful, crisp, sunny day after all... until... :o





Ouch! :( so, after a conversation with the vet, I set out to get some more vet-wrap and drive about 35 minutes to the only store this side of my state which carry a latex bootie. The Pawz brand - thanks to those who made the suggestion.

It's her front paw, she hates :angry: the vet-wrap!

I'll let you know how the Pawz protector works out for us (if she will walk with it on, she'll barely walk with the vet wrap)

(and please don't punish me for allowing her nails to get a little long :unsure )

I feel so bad for my girl!

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Accidents happen! Poor girl.


Did she lose a nail? Hard to tell from the photo.


Our Bumper tore a dewclaw on something this past summer on what, we have no idea, but lot's of red stuff. Healed up fine - we just had to keep it clean and wrapped. Ours hate walking in vet wrap too but are fine with booties of all varieties.


You probably already know this, but we didn't.....in a separate incident, Brucie had his foot wrapped for a few days. Vet didn't place a cotton ball between his outside toe and it ended up rubbing its neighbor raw. Completely preventable. I was furious as we then had 2 injuries.


Good luck to you and sweet Violet.

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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Guest sorenkkg

They seem to get injured when they are having most fun! Haka and Aleeya both got injured in early December at a greyhound play group. Ah well.


I totally second the motion for putting cotton between toes when wrapping a whole paw. A couple years ago Haka broke his outer toe, so we just bandaged. Well the vet didn't do cotton balls the first time, so we didn't know, so when we changed it ourselves, we didn't do it.


yep-- it got rubbed and infected huh.gif so then we had to go to the E-vet and give him antibiotics, and it might have set the healing of the break back a bit... Poor guy, we learn so much from him, the hard way.


Anyway-- all this to say-- no-sting antiseptic (we have a foam one and a liquid, both from the drug store), polysporin, some gauze, vet wrap (or not), tape, small sock, tape. Then put your bootie on over that when you go out, and I just do the sock during the day.


Do change it daily to keep an eye out for infection (did I mention, I learned the hard way?).


p.s. about the nails, we use the dremel, takes 10 min for both dogs. Do a little 2x a month and you'll get it managed in no time :)



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Guest Energy11

Staggerlee tore a toe a while back. I got caught in between one of the planks on the deck. I put Trypzyme-V (*swear by it) in it, and kept it wrapped, with a bootie. The entire nail did come off, btw. I DID put him on Keflex, 500mg, twice a day for a week, to prevent infection. You sound like you are doing all the right things, but, I might ask the vet for an antibiotic, just to be sure. Good Luck!

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Guest LindsaySF

Did she tear the nail out? Not punishing you, but I would trim/dremel those as soon as you can. It will prevent further injury, and make walking with the bootie on a little easier. I hope she heals soon.





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Guest Lovemyhound
Did she lose a nail? Hard to tell from the photo.


Yes, whole nail - gone. I mean GONE. There is essentially a hole where the nail WAS, and raw flesh? exposed beneath.

She did get up this morning without problem. She's limping a bit more with the vet-wrap on, as I said, she hates it. I slipped on one of the Pawz booties that I bought yesterday and it worked like a dream. Once we got outside, she started sniffing around (usual morning routine) and I just allowed her to lead me where she wanted to walk to. We walked about halfway up the (very long) driveway where she did her business and on the way back, she actually wanted to walk through the fluffy snow beside the driveway! Again, the Pawz bootie was fabulous for protecting her bandage.


You probably already know this, but we didn't.....in a separate incident, Brucie had his foot wrapped for a few days. Vet didn't place a cotton ball between his outside toe and it ended up rubbing its neighbor raw. Completely preventable. I was furious as we then had 2 injuries.


Well, I should know this as I am a nurse - a "people" nurse! :lol But no, no one mentioned that to me either, and I guess I just didn't think of that. Thank you all for reminding me to protect BETWEEN her toes! :rolleyes:


Did she tear the nail out? Not punishing you, but I would trim/dremel those as soon as you can. It will prevent further injury, and make walking with the bootie on a little easier. I hope she heals soon.


Yes, I will have her nails cut back as soon as possible. I will give her a couple days of healing time for this boo-boo. I have been using the "made-for-pets-dremel-wannabe-tool" called Pedi-paws. Not good enough. I was using it on her nails every few days in the summer while we were in the back yard playing, but since cold weather has set in, admittedly so, I haven't kept up on it. I would like to invest in an actual dremel which will actually have the power to keep the nails back OR have someone teach me how to trim her nails. I'm afraid to try it myself, but about half of her toenails are white so I can actually see the quick.

Thank you all so much for your advice and good thoughts. :bow:)

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Two years ago, we had several sets of stitches in dog paws from running in the snow once the hard ice crud got underneath it (perfect for cutting those fast moving paws) Now, as soon as the snow gets to that hard crunchy cutty stage, the dogs go out wearing winter boots 100% of the time. They don't much like it, but it saves us hundreds of dollars in vet bills and weeks and weeks of wrapped and bandaged paws

Forever in my Heart Joe T Greyhound, Charly Bear, Angel Daisy, and Katze & Buzz Kitty.


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Guest Energy11

If Violet hates the vet wrap, you can try a toddler sock, secured (*not too tightly) with tape), and THEN, put your bootie on. I did this when Staggerlee tore his toenail out. Trypzyme-V liquid (best thing out there), a toddler sock, bootie, and (1) 500 mg, of Keflex, two times a day, and he was fine. Good Luck!

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