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Is This Something I Should Be Concerned About?

Guest Adrianne

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Guest Adrianne

Wilbur had kind of a rough day today - up & down, up & down. Exhausting for both of us because he can't lie down by himself. His appetite is good & he's going outside to do his business, but he just couldn't get comfortable. I believe he's sore from lying on the same hip for days. My concern is this: I noticed tonight that his good hind leg is now swollen & bruised considerably. Could this be from getting up & down and putting most of his weight on that leg or is it something I should call the vet about? Overall, we're amazed with his progress; the swelling is his broken leg is going down some & the redness is receding. I just don't want to miss anything. He got up at least 15 times today and didn't get any good rest until he finally got to lie on the side of his broken leg.


ETA: He's up & down even with me in the room with him at all times and napping on a pallet right beside him.

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Guest Energy11

I would definitely call the vet. The "good leg," should not be swollen and there should not be bleeding/brusing under the skin. This is just MY opinion, but, it is worth a call or a vet visit. Good Luck, and lots of love. His being up and down could very well be pain.

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I would call ASAP. Keeping your boy in my thoughts.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest Adrianne

Thank you everyone. My vet said today that the edema is very likely due to the stress of carrying the extra load. The worry now is that thatvleg will break down because Wilbur does not yet put any weight on the other leg--not when he's standing up, not when he's squatting for a business break, not at all. He bunny hops, and the broken leg kind of swings free. I'm supposed to walk him more and encourage him to use the broken leg. Easier said than done. Massages and warm compresses too may help. He is resting much easier today since he learned he could lie on the side of his broken leg. I think he was very sore yesterday after being on the same hip for days.

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Guest Energy11

Just like you and I, we won't use the leg if it hurts. That is most likely the problem. I am wondering if a sling would help during the recovery process, so you can help him on his walks. Many of the Greytalkers here have suggestions and sights for these slings. Just a thought. Good Luck, and, sending lots of healing thoughts!

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