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Met My Betty One Year Ago Today!

Guest dobiegrey

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Guest dobiegrey

One year ago today I decided on a whim to go down and visit the kennels at Melbourne Greyhound Track, that is where Greyhound Pets of America is located. I knew nothing about Greyhounds except for what I had read online and had only patted one at Petsmart on a couple of occasions years ago. I live about 16 miles from the track but was half way down there shopping on Black Friday so I thought "what the heck" and I just showed up at the kennels. Well I don't think Dennis was real happy about that but he was gracious and said he would show me some of the female hounds that they had. I was still grieving the loss of my Red Dobie Kaly, that had died of Cardiomyopathy on October 1, of 2008 so my heart was very tender and hurting badly, but I thought if nothing else I would get some girl dog love! Well he introduced me to several lovely girls who came right out and greeted me than proceeded to look around the kennel area, they would come to me than go explore than come back again, at one point I commented on how I loved the "ticking" on one of the coats, of course I called them freckles, after meeting about 4 girls I said I thought my head would explode and Dennis said "I have one more to show you" and he brought out my Betty, Well.... it was love at first sight, she has a beautiful freckled nose and ticking on her body and on her right side she has a beautiful sideways heart! I was sitting on a concrete slab that was holding the a/c unit and she came right to me and laid overtop of my lap and leaned on me the entire time I was talking to Dennis about her, in fact the picture I took with my cell phone you can see she has a hurt look on her face because in order to get her picture I had to push her off of me for a moment! I went down there thinking I didn't know if I was ready and I left there feeling horrible because I was leaving "my dog" down there!!! Of course I still had the fear that Jack (my pyscho Dobie) would be awful when we had to bring him down to meet her the next day, but miracle of miracle he was the perfect gentleman when we went down the next day, than again the following day when Vicki came to do our home study!! Surprise!! It seemed like an eternity until Wednesday December 3, 2008 when we got to go pick her up to come to her forever home!!! But I knew it was meant to be when I realized that December 3, 2003 was the exact date we drove to Homestead Florida to pick up my Kaly whom I had just lost, so really felt that Betty was and is a gift from Kaly.

Sorry this is so long, but I just wanted to share what a wonderful event meeting her was and is in our lives. She is home, forever, we love her so much and I didn't think it was possible to love like this again.





Edited by dobiegrey
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