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Lock Jaw

Guest shearsclan

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Guest shearsclan

our dog jaw is locking up and he can't open his mouth. The muscel in his jaw on the left is in spasm and when we rub on it the jaw will release. Have you had this happen?

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Guest bigorangedog
our dog jaw is locking up and he can't open his mouth. The muscel in his jaw on the left is in spasm and when we rub on it the jaw will release. Have you had this happen?


Mindy! Wow, no, I have never had this happen. Did it just start today? If you haven't, try calling Lakes (do you still have their number?) and see if Dr Pete knows what it might be. He'll usually give you an opinion over the phone. Unfortunately Dr Meaghan is in Denver for T'giving, but I think I have her cell number if it is an emergency. My best advice is have him seen today because if it gets worse tomorrow, you'll get hit with e-vet fees. Is it bad enough that he is unable to eat/drink?


Call us if you need us. Lloyd's cell is 651-245-2861.



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Guest Energy11

No experience with this, but if it were me, I'd see the vet, especially in lieu of the holiday weekend. Might just be muscle spasms, but I would certainly get it looked into, now know what is causing it. Good Luck!

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Guest shearsclan

No he can eat and drink just fine, although he did have it spasm with a mouthfull of water which left me with rather wet pants. We have a call into our vet, he's also on a couple meds due to allergies and the time of year and not sure if maybe this is a reaction or side effect to those.

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Guest bigorangedog
No he can eat and drink just fine, although he did have it spasm with a mouthfull of water which left me with rather wet pants. We have a call into our vet, he's also on a couple meds due to allergies and the time of year and not sure if maybe this is a reaction or side effect to those.


Could be. When it happens, is he "all there" or does he seem to space out? (Wondering if it is something like a petite mal seizure.) Hope your vet calls you back soon.

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