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Bump On Toe

Guest kar

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Could be a sebacious cyst, but I can't really say. In that case they're only a problem if they are causing pain,


Personally, I'd get it checked out by a vet--not an emergency thing, but when you can.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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Guest Energy11
Could be a sebacious cyst, but I can't really say. In that case they're only a problem if they are causing pain,


Personally, I'd get it checked out by a vet--not an emergency thing, but when you can.



Ditto. Always good to get something like that looked at. Good Luck!

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Guest FordRacingRon

If you search this forum youll find a thread I started with the title of something like Leia has toe cancer,,something to that effect (also the same type of thread for a pup named Smiley). She has a bump on her toe that was somewhat pink on the outside (there are pictures in my post) and I was worried about it being cancer. We did 2 weeks of antibiotics in case it was an infection and nothing. A lot of people suggested I should have the toe taken off,,others suggested a fine needle aspiration to see if there may be cancer cells. We opted for the FNA which showed normal blood cells. Well its been 3 weeks now and the lump is still there but actually appears to be getting a bit smaller. So it could be nothing (I beleive smileys turned out to be nothing either or maybe an infection) but I would check it out. Cost me about 300 bucks to discover it was nothing.

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Guest FordRacingRon
Thats kind of what his looks like. Not as red though. But it is hard and I was pushing on it today = no pain.


I would go to the vet to make sure it's not an infection and for peace of mind. It was worth the money for me to find out Leia's was nothing. BTW, some replied to me saying hard is good and spongy could be signs of trouble. Leia's lump is hard too.

Edited by FordRacingRon
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Guest FordRacingRon
I will take him to the vet tomorrow. He's only five so I'm hoping for the best. Why do greys get so much osteo?


If you find my old thread,,I think it was there,,that someone posted that the guru of Osteo,,Dr Cuoto,,stated in all his years he has only seen osteo start in toes twice, that it is indeed very rare. A couple of other posters told me that it could of course be another cancer which is why I did the fine needle aspirate. as one poster told me, she would not remove a toe without finding out why. As I told you we found nothing on the test and now, a couple of weeks later the lump is getting smaller and the pinkness that was ther eis all but gone. I hope you get the same type of results.

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I will take him to the vet tomorrow. He's only five so I'm hoping for the best. Why do greys get so much osteo?


If you find my old thread,,I think it was there,,that someone posted that the guru of Osteo,,Dr Cuoto,,stated in all his years he has only seen osteo start in toes twice, that it is indeed very rare. A couple of other posters told me that it could of course be another cancer which is why I did the fine needle aspirate. as one poster told me, she would not remove a toe without finding out why. As I told you we found nothing on the test and now, a couple of weeks later the lump is getting smaller and the pinkness that was ther eis all but gone. I hope you get the same type of results.


Our Lissa was one of the two hounds Dr. Couto was referring to. We ended up having her toe amputated and she had no more problems in that area. Dr. Couto told us that while osteo starting in the toe is very, very rare, the chance of osteo crossing a joint is even more rare. Lissa had no problems whatsoever regarding the amputation. She lived 2 more years and crossed to the bridge due to problems with degenerative back end disease (not sure of the proper title). We miss Lissa so much, as does her vacation mom, Darlene.

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Guest TexasGreytMom

Our Dora has a red bump on one of her toes as well. And, she seemed to be licking her feet (all of them) a lot and the skin on all her feet was pink. Our vet had us give her 3 Benadryl twice a day for a week and then switch to once a week and it's really helping. Her feet aren't nearly as red and the bump appears to be fading as well.

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