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Guest KingTermite

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Guest KingTermite

Thanks...your babes look gorgeous.


Ammo is now at vet with more information and ideas in, but still not completely diagnosed. X-rays were taken and the mass in the nose came back normal, so apparently it WAS just an artifact in the x-ray last time.


However, the vet noticed one of his eyes seemed to be protruding more than it was when he saw him last week. Now that he pointed it out, I can totally see it. He thinks Ammo has either some sort of mass (tumor?) behind the eye or possibly an abscess. We have an appointment for a CT scan on Thursday at the local veterinary radiology office.

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However, the vet noticed one of his eyes seemed to be protruding more than it was when he saw him last week. Now that he pointed it out, I can totally see it. He thinks Ammo has either some sort of mass (tumor?) behind the eye or possibly an abscess. We have an appointment for a CT scan on Thursday at the local veterinary radiology office.

Did your vet check eye pressures?? Might want to rule out Glaucoma.

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Guest Shermanator
Thanks...your babes look gorgeous.


Ammo is now at vet with more information and ideas in, but still not completely diagnosed. X-rays were taken and the mass in the nose came back normal, so apparently it WAS just an artifact in the x-ray last time.


However, the vet noticed one of his eyes seemed to be protruding more than it was when he saw him last week. Now that he pointed it out, I can totally see it. He thinks Ammo has either some sort of mass (tumor?) behind the eye or possibly an abscess. We have an appointment for a CT scan on Thursday at the local veterinary radiology office.


I have a special spot in my heart for brindles. Patton's a little nuts, and my father calls him bazooka.

Ah, I am so sorry to hear this about his eyes. I hope he feels better soon!

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Guest KingTermite

The vet called me this morning. He said that whatever is behind the eye has noticeably grown even overnight. Ammo's now running a fever (104 F) and was bleeding from his mouth a little.


He thinks if it grew that quickly, its likely not a mass/tumor, but is an abscess. He got my permission to not wait for CT scan (tomorrow) and try to go in to drain it today.


Please be thinking of Ammo. He's not even that old...he's only 8.

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Guest KingTermite

Good News finally/hopefully!!


The doctor went in and drained it. It was definitely an abscess. He's running cultures to determine what it was and select the most appropriate antibiotic. But the doc feels much better that he should be OK now. He'll definitely still stay there overnight again, but hopefully we're back on track. My wife and I will go up and visit him again tonight after work. We were even able to cancel the CT scan and save $1000.

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Guest beckie43

Great news! I hope Ammo is on his way to a speedy recovery!


PS - I'm so glad it wasn't a type myositis. I've had a very awful experience with that horrible disease.

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Guest KingTermite

Doc just called with the update.


Ammo is definitely improved he said. Temperature normal, swelling has gone down, but some is still there (to be expected he said). Brighter and more alert than yesterday.


I got the impression from his tone (without him saying it) that Ammo is still not in "great" shape yet. I'm thinking he will not come home today.


Hope (wife) and I will be going up again after work to see him.

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Guest Shermanator

Hugs and love to Ammo!

And Solomon!!!!

Patton once had an overnight vet visit, and Sherman was so stressed, since Patton was not home. Hope Solomon's doing ok!

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Guest KingTermite
Hugs and love to Ammo!

And Solomon!!!!

Patton once had an overnight vet visit, and Sherman was so stressed, since Patton was not home. Hope Solomon's doing ok!

It's funny....Solomon has been acting very normal. In fact, almost too normal to be normal. I think he believes if he acts normal things will get back to normal.

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Guest Greyglo
It's funny....Solomon has been acting very normal. In fact, almost too normal to be normal. I think he believes if he acts normal things will get back to normal.




Good wishes for Ammo continue from here -


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Guest KingTermite

Ammo looked MUCH better last night. Still not a lot of energy, but enough we were able to take him for a small walk around the vet office (which is TONS more than last night when he couldn't even lift his head for more than a few seconds). His eye looks like he got punched by Mike Tyson. He's not quite well enough to come home yet (still not eating), but vet hopes that he may start eating and be able to come home today.

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Guest KingTermite

Vet office called. Ammo started eating and can come home. I was warned he's being stubborn about his meds, but he is well enough to come home. :)

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