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Did All This A Bit Backwards.. But Hi To All!

Guest case529

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I found this forum last weekend while panic-stricken and looking for answers to why my new adoptee had just growled at me. (I have since come to my senses and learned a whole lot more than I thought I knew about GHs right off the track). Got all that worked out and have since been following some threads and have been asking questions. I never did introduce myself the right way, so I will do it here.


Name is Casey, have husband, Colin, new retired almost 4 year old dark brindle love of my life True, baby Jude (almost 15 months), Angus McGillicuddy, Annie Bannany (aka sissypoo) and Sophia Maria (the last 3 are feline). Live in the beautiful Ozarks and have now had our sweet boy 13 days. He came from Mid South Greyhound Adoption Option in W. Memphis and all is going well with our adjustment to eachother. True was named Bart's Zeke, but we wanted him to have a whole new start, so he was named after Bruce Weber's documentary about life with his dogs "A Letter to True" (amazing if you can find it to watch..really lovely).


I am a rescue advocate and have volunteered time and talent for any and every rescue that might need help. I have homed around 20 animals in the past few years, and spayed and neutered/vaccinated many more. I love animals, all kinds, and I feel passionate about helping them since so often, they can't help themselves.


We had a dog for many years and had some serious drama with her (though I loved her very dearly and will never get over it) and we lost her under very sad circumstances which I cannot even talk about still back in the Spring. I have been dogless since then, and life and the house were both very empty. We wanted a sighthound when we got my other dog, Lucia, and supposedly, she was a mix. She looked the part, but that's about it. So, this time around, we wanted to do it the right way and rescue a Grey. We read book after book, went to tons of meet and greets and picked everyone's brain that we could. We finally went through the process (on pins and needles for a long time) and finally were approved to come and meet the dogs. It was a 5 hour drive for us to Memphis, and 5 back, which we did just a couple of weeks ago. We met True and knew instantly he was the one for us. We are going very slowly and learning how to interact with each other and everyone else, and he is adjusting well. I know that he is still a bit sad, but the old personality is starting to peek through now. I can't wait to share our lives with him and him with us and grow together as a family. We all love him dearly. I have seen all the tutorials on posting pics, but I still don't know how to embed them in a post, so here is what i've got!






I've gotten so much good info already, but I wanted to officially introduce us. We are really happy to be here and find other lovers of Greys. I hope more people in my area get on here. It's such a great tool.



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Your pic links don't seem to be working, alas! But welcome to GT! Looking forward to seeing True soon!



i don't get it. arrgh! it's on a .me gallery. any apple folks out there?? but thank you for the welcome!




wondering if this will work...





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Try using Photobucket for your pics.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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