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Things We Can Do, Other Than

Guest lanielovesgreys

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Guest BlingDogs

Turkey necks are great for chewing. Also, maybe squirting some doggy toothpaste on his regular food might work. It makes them lick their teeth to try and get the paste off, which is almost like brushing.

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Guest kelli123

I just bought the girls these and they love them. The plastic or rubber on the out side is almost indestructible. and they chew and chew to get the raw hide that is on the inside . So far none of the blue part has been chewed off. And they last a long time



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Guest Stripeyfan

Kelly's IBD means he can't have kibble, bones or chews. Nylabones give him big D and the tiniest dab of any sort of dog toothpaste has him pooping pure mucus within 24 hours (sorry if that's TMI!). The only thing he can handle is a bit of baking soda in water, which I rub over his teeth using a strip of washcloth. However he hates hates HATES having his mouth messed with and grinds his teeth so much if I try to get to the back ones I just can't do it. So I bought him a rag rope to chew (under supervision!) after meals, which he loves. And I did notice an improvement in his breath after he started gnawing on it.

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Petz Life Oral Gel comes in a spray. You may have better luck spraying it in his mouth than brushing. I know people SWEAR by the stuff.


Our girl didn't like the minty-ness of it though. So I have nearly a whole bottle of gel (not the spray) that she hates.



Jennifer, Mike and the menagerie ---

Molly (Blue Sky Dreamin), Tinker (BT My Lil Girl) and their feline brothers Miles and Lewis

Visit Molly's Photo Album

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Guest Bang_o_rama

I use Petzlife Gel and Spray DAILY, and we have nice breath here :-)) I do use the peppermint, NOT the salmon, though :-)) Good Luck!


We've noticed a big improvement with the Petzlife products, too. We have the minty spray and the salmon gel. The salmon gel is pretty darn funky - smells like a weird mix of mint and fish. Bang's not thrilled with it either, but we're trying to use it up.

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I use Petzlife Gel and Spray DAILY, and we have nice breath here :-)) I do use the peppermint, NOT the salmon, though :-)) Good Luck!


We've noticed a big improvement with the Petzlife products, too. We have the minty spray and the salmon gel. The salmon gel is pretty darn funky - smells like a weird mix of mint and fish. Bang's not thrilled with it either, but we're trying to use it up.


+1 I got the salmon gel too, and yuck. It stinks horribly on your fingers and Beth seems to dislike it considerably more than the minty spray. That's not gonna be a repeater for us either.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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The toofie thing always seems to be an issue. I lost my beautiful Nola puppy when she was not quite four after a simple tooth cleaning under sedation. I decided to keep up the bone routine to prevent any more of my precious babies going to the Vet. My fear of Vets with hounds was very strong.

My Schnookums gave herself a huge slab fracture on her biggest molar. After much trauma of Dog and owner, the tooth was pulled. (By a different

Vet). Schnookie eventually recovered, and I now fear bones too!!!!!

My breakthrough came when I decided to start feeding once a week an ox tail cut into three, one piece per grey. (sometimes twice a week)

The structure of an ox tail is such that quite a bit of gnawing is required to get the meat and fat off the largely catilagenous bone which is easily digested.


Only problem!!!!!???? HAPPY GAS!!! (Dosn't last long!!) Schnookums doesn't fuss on bones, but will have a go at ox tail.


Happy gnawing from Schnookums, Lady and BlooperXXX

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Guest Nuthatch

I use the seaweed. It seems expensive for the tub but the portion spoon inside is tiny so it does last. It works very quickly.

How smug am I when the head of the kennel comments on how white the dogs teeth are?

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When you do bones, try adding a probiotic to his food. he may just need more of the "good" bacteria to counteract all the excess.


I do that here, and even the more sensitive ones have no trouble. Though, I have to admit, I don't have any dogs with TRULY sensitive stomachs.


Wow, old topic revival!


Oops! I hadn't noticed this, or I may not have replied!


Any update from the OP?

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been using Petzlife on Leah and JJ and was very happy with it until I took Leah to the vet known in our area for his dental work and he said it gives you a false sense of security because while it will make their teeth white, which it did with Leah, it does not do anything for the gums and deep rooted problems. He actually showed us some problems that Leah has. She is going to him for a dental on Dec 9. His advice was to brush no substitute for it in his opinion.I'm still finishing up the peppermint gel as it has really whitened her teeth and helped her breath.

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