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Now Limping?

Guest knitkass

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Guest knitkass

Please please please just be an injury from romping with your new little sister.


With all Callay has been through, fighting and WINNING against Bartonella and endocarditis, and coming away with nothing more than a mild heart murmur. After gaining back 5 lbs and starting to really look good, now she's limping.


I gave her a bit of poking and prodding and she yelped when I palpated the muscle that connects the shoulderblade to the humerus. Just a little yiyi out of my stoic girl, but that's enough for me. I've iced it, and I've used the QRS magnetic field generator on it (it creates mild electromagentic fields to reduce pain and inflammation) and I've given her 25 mg of rimadyl. I don't want to use any more because it usually gives her an upset stomach and then we have to deal with her not eating.


This is probably just another romping injury, like when she hurt her knee with Mimsy bumping into her. She doesn't have a cut like she ran into anything, but there is a slightly less-haired spot right over where it hurts. I'm going to go check over the outdoor furniture to see if I can find a tuft.


My worst nightmare is that after all of this, it's osteo. Can anyone tell me, whose dog has had osteo, is it something where when they limp on it it gets better after walking for a bit, or does it stay the same?

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Guest Energy11

Max's Osteo leg got worse when he walked on it.


Might just be a strain or sprain. Please try not to worry until you have to.


Love, hugs and good thoughts from here.

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Guest knitkass

She was still limping this morning, but it seemed perhaps a bit better. I went ahead and gave her 50 mg of rimadyl. After letting her out to do her business this morning, by the time she was done with her morning constitutional, it was barely a limp. It seems to just be morning stiffness.


Still, if it's not significantly better tommorrow, we're off to the vet!

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Guest Energy11

Sounds like you are doing the right thing. Giving the Rimadyl, giving it a few days, etc. But, yes, the vets sounds like the way to go if there is still limping tomorrow.


Last week, when I was up here on the mountain alone (DH took the granddaughter back to Orlando), Goldie, almost 9, was reluctant to come up the ramp, and was holding up her foot! OMG, I thought, ... you know what I thought! Anyway, I gave her Deramaxx for three days, and she is perfectly fine now.


Keep positive thoughts, and we will do the same for you here :-)

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Guest knitkass

The limping seems better this morning, but I'm still taking her in. Fingers and toes crossed that it really is just a pulled muscle or sprained joint and not the worst.


At this point I'm praying for the best but braced for the worst.

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