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Trouble Getting Up

Guest Redrabbit

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Guest Redrabbit

Buster turned 11 in July and recently had a corn removed but last night he scared the stuffing out of me. About 2 a.m. he started the GSOD and I jumped out of bed to see him trying unsuccessfully to get to his feet from a sphinx position. He'd get 1/2 way up - screaming with the effort. I got him to stay down and calmed him down - all the while figuring how we were going to get to the E-VET. He was shaken but not distressed when down. After about 15 minutes I let him try again - he jumped right up and trotted down the hall. He seems no worse for wear today.


The only time I've seen anything close to this happen is once or twice when he has lost his footing on a slick floor. I had to grab him around the middle and hoist him up.


Maybe he had slept in the wrong position - maybe he was still asleep - or maybe something more serious is going on?


Any advice is greatly appreciated.




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Guest Energy11

Sounds like arthritis. My friend's dog, Goldie, did almost the SAME thing the other day. In FACT, she could not use her back legs at ALL! The x-rays showed severe arthrisis of her knees. She is 11.


Goldie is on Tramadol and Deramaxx. Hope your baby gets better soon!

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Guest MyBoys

He also could have been laying in a position that put his leg to sleep, my old guy has done this a few times and has cried when trying to get up. I think as they age not only does arthritis set in but their circulation slows down. I have started giving my old guy daily leg rubs to help his circulation.

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Sounds like it might have been a leg cramp. My dogs have done that before and it scares teh heck out of me, but they are fine in a bit. And speaking from experience, leg cramps are worthy of the GH SOD, they hurt!

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I know my own arthritis can make me feel like that. It could be any number of things but back &/or knee probs would be my top guess. Since he was better it certainly wasn't e-vet time but some xrays may be in order so you can see what's up. If it is arthritis, he will feel much better if you treat him. The NSAIDS can work wonders.

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