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Hi From The Uk

Guest slimcilla

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Guest EmbersDad
hi claire

i had the pleasure of visiting your wonderful country back in feb. i was in london, liverpool, manchester and oldham. if you hang around here a bit, im sure you will run into my friends from oldham. welcome to greytalk. its a wonderful place. keep the pics of your beasties coming ( and include the countryside if possible :-0))

Oldham calling :D


Welcome to GT :wave


see, that didn't take long :)

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Guest slimcilla
:welcome from Nottingham


:lol I love the pic of foxy and his speedy bed :inlove you wouldn't think skinny greys would make a comfortable resting place, but i guess its heated.



Speedy only allows Fox to sleep on him when it's cold and he has his coat on - not surprisingly he's not so keen on cat claws kneading him with no coat on so it's a winter thing.. No chance in this supposed summer.. Speedy, Foxy and Dotty still snuggle up at night until they all get too hot.. Sparkie is not so compliant just yet but I suspect that will change when winter comes around and Speedy and the cats have him better trained.. Right now Sparkie hogs an entire sofa and the rest don't want to share it with him..


Thanks for the words of encouragement with shy dog Sparkie, I think he has just not been socialised rather than abused so I am hoping he will settle with time - the great healer.. I love him already which helps masses so he is a stayer.. I was worried for the first few weeks but he is so brilliant in the house I just had to keep him and will continue to work on the strange people issue..


silverfish Posted Today, 03:15 PM

Well, look at that! Your Speedy is related to my Renie, whose sire was Trade Official, and Sparkie is related to my Jack, whose sire was Flashy Sir. Funnily enough, I had one English and one Irish dog too, but it was the other way round. Renie was Irish, Jack was English! lol.gif


Trousers is an Oz dog who sired 208 pups but from I'm Slippy who sired 2098 pups (!) I can take both my hounds history back to the 1770's to a dog owned by Mad King George 3rd - that's something to tell the Pedigree dog owners on the beach that call them "Rescue dogs" - not that I have anything against pedigree dogs.. I just hate the phrase "Rescue Dog" as it seems so insulting to the oldest breed of dog in the world.. It was a typical dull, rainy UK afternoon when I found the hounds history out.. Also through Trade Official and Flashy Sir you get to Sand Man and on a boring rainy day you will also get back to the 1700's. I love that site on a dull day..


We have just had a walk on the beach and while Speedy showed off his acceleration speed, Sparkie remained on-lead and tried his utmost to stay as far away from tourists/strangers as possible. It was too busy to risk letting him off today - I need a dull rainy day for that. He IS getting better but it's only noticeable on a weekly rather than daily basis.. They are now both snoozing with legs in the air and little snuffling silly squeaky noises.. Soooo lovely to hear/see..


CC x


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Welcome :wave to GT! Excellent pictures - you have a lovely family. :wub:


I've actually visited Weston-super-mare. One of my grandmother's brothers lived there years ago & while visiting the rest of the family in London, we headed out west one day. I do remember the mud but it was a beautiful day & we had a nice time. Thanks for the reminder. :)


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest slimcilla
:wave Hello from an American expat in Yorkshire! Your animals are all gorgeous...is Sparkie's colour more abundant in the UK? I had never seen it until I moved to the UK.



You are all too fast at replying for me.. This seems such a MASSIVE and also such a friendly forum.. Maybe that means I can add an advatar sooner rather than later as I need to post 25 posts before doing so..


Blue greyhounds are pretty rare in the UK and Snowflake Blue Greyhounds are even more rare. The most common colour in the UK is Black and White as they have been bred from fast similar coloured dogs and seem to be the fastest at the moment - I think it's the same in the USA though? Here we have huge problems re-homing black hounds as they tend to get very grey around the muzzle area early in life and look old before their time.. Having said that, there must be a close link between Blue and Black hounds as 3 yo Sparkie is only just 3 and has more grey around his muzzle than brindle Speedy who is 2 years older.. I think Blue and Black Greyhounds look older before their time but the Blues are more acceptable. I just wanted a second cat safe Grey so I couldn't be fussy about the colour.. Having said that, I didn't feel comfortable with a Greyhound with lots of white as my bedding/flooring/furnishings are matched to a ginger cat, a tabby cat and a brindle greyhound - white fur would mean I would need hoover every day - ugh! I do adore black and white hounds but hate housework more..


Sorry to those that have the part or totally white lovely beasties but I hate housework - can you forgive me?


CC x

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I have two white hounds but I don't hoover everyday! When we moved into this house we just made sure to get carpets and sofas that wouldn't show white hairs. I'm sure everything is covered in a thin veneer of white greyhound hairs though :lol .


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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Hi Claire. Welcome from another UKer. I'm from Bedfordshire and have a white dog with a red carpet and you're right about the hairs. Frisby is an I'm Slippy dog too, but a few generations closer as he's nearly nine. Weston has such a big beach for them to run on. I know Frisby would love it. You'll like it here on GT.


Frisby: http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?z=RJBWCj&a...&birthland=

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Guest greyscot

I can't believe how many I'm Slippy dogs are here!! My bridge kid Athy chief had I'm Slippy as his great grand-daddy and my current grey Sporty has I'm Slippy as his great, great grand-daddy. Small world is it not?

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