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Question Regarding Greyhound Heart Rate

Guest RobinAZ

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Guest RobinAZ

I am babysitting my daughter's greyhound, which I have done many times. I am wondering about their heart rate. I don't know if I never noticed before, or if something is wrong, but Jessie's heart seems to be beating really fast, even when she's just laying down. She's been eating and drinking and going to the bathroom normally. I just am torn as to whether to take her to the vet, of if it's just my imagination...oh, and she seems to be breathing normally.


Thanks for any help!

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Guest Energy11

Normal resting heart rate for greyhound is 60-90 beats per minute. The BEST way to calculate the rate is to count the heart rate for a full minute, using a watch with a second hand.


Is the dog's environment hot? This can cause the heart rate to rise substantially. Also, I would check and be sure the gums are nice and pink. White or whitish gums mean internal bleeding someplace, meaning the heart could be beating fast to compensate for blood loss.


Good Luck!

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Guest RobinAZ

Thank you for your answer. Her heart rate is 120. I had checked her gums earlier and they are pink. And it's nice and cool in the house. She did drink a LOT last night and peed 2X in the night and once this morning (a lot). But other than being kind of lazy, she seems normal as far as her eating, etc. If my regular vet was open I wouldn't hesitate to take her, but I don't know about some of the emergency clinics.

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Guest Energy11

Drinking and peeing a lot could be many things. A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) could be causing her discomfort. When dogs or humans are in pain, their heart rates raise.


How old is this grey? I would most DEFINITELY take her into the vet first thing tomorrow, and, to the E-vet if anything changes from what you posted.


Good Luck and I hope all works out. I cannot suggest giving her anything (meds) not knowing what is causing this.

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Guest RobinAZ

Jessie is 4 years old. My daughter Jenni adopted her in March I believe. I love Jessie so much. She actually seems a little better at the moment but if she gets worse I will take her right to the emergency clinic. I really appreciate all your help.

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Guest Energy11
Could she be stressed due to the abscence of her Mama?


Maybe! How long has her Mama been away? Our Cari threw up her entire dinner the other day after our company and their 4 yr old grandson left. He and my 6 yr old were really "bouncing" off walls, and it upset Cari. Anything is possible. The drinking and peeing are a bit concerning, though.

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Guest RobinAZ
Could she be stressed due to the abscence of her Mama?


I wondered that too. Although we've babysat her a few times and she usually does fine. I was wondering if the weather was getting to her, too, even though she is inside. I'm just keeping a close watch on her now. She does seem a bit better. This all started last night and I was up checking on her on and off during the night. Maybe I worry too much but she's such a special girl.

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Guest RobinAZ

Her mom has been away since Wednesday. Since last night she has not drank excessively and has only peed once this morning. Hopefully when Jenni gets home tonight Jessie will perk up - and Jenni should be able to know for sure if something seems wrong or it's just my imagination. Although usually when I get up in the morning Jess is bouncing up and down and grinning at me and she didn't do that this morning :(

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Since your daughter has only had her since March, that's quite a short time from a greyhound adjustment standpoint, it may just be stress because your daughter is away. I'll bet all goes back to normal once your daughter returns.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

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Guest RobinAZ

I thank you all so much for your comments. I was so scared and worried, but Jessie seems to be fine now. Whatever was wrong seems to have passed. She's back to her normal adorable self. Maybe I can get some sleep now :)

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Guest Energy11
I thank you all so much for your comments. I was so scared and worried, but Jessie seems to be fine now. Whatever was wrong seems to have passed. She's back to her normal adorable self. Maybe I can get some sleep now :)

That is wonderful! Hope everything goes well!

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Guest Redrabbit

Sometimes I really wonder how much they pick up from our moods - like a vicious circle/ I'm worried about you so you are worried that I am worried, etc.

I am glad to hear things seems to have calmed down.


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