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Bacterial Ear Infection

Guest TexasGreytMom

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Guest TexasGreytMom

Today the vet treated Shelby for a bacterial ear infection. She did an ear pack with "Bnt ointment." DH took her and I wasn't there.


He said that by the time they were leaving the clinic, Shelby's ears, neck and head were covered with what we assume is the ointment - super thick greasy substance. He asked if that was normal, because it's a big mess. The vet indicated the oozing should subside.


Well, this evening, her entire head is covered with a layer of the super thick greasy ointment. I tried wiping it off and it won't come off. I even (in desperation) used a little Dawn liquid (grease-cutting dishwashing detergent) and that didn't take it off. I barely got it off my hands!


I wish they could have put a little gauze or something to retain the ointment at least for a few hours until it settled in her ear canal.


What a mess - she's trying to rub her head on furniture, etc. Has anyone else experienced this and is it normal? I'm also going to call the vet tomorrow to ask. ugh! Thanks for letting me vent!

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I've never heard of treating an ear infection that way! But I've been fortunate enough to have healthy ears...sounds awful!


Did you Google the medication and see if, by any chance, there are any tips on getting the junk off fur???


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest TexasGreytMom

Good idea, I'll check it out.


We were first treating it with a thin ointment that we just picked up at the clinic, because we didn't have time to take her in. That ointment was oily, but not like sludge or bearing grease! LOL!

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Guest TexasGreytMom

I've found info on the ointment itself and it says that the ointment works so well because it "stays in ears." hmmmm.


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Guest kydie
:) Always glad to read here, learned someting new, thank goodness ears have not been a problem here for many years, thanks for the info on this treatment!
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Guest TexasGreytMom

I tried again to wash some of it off her head. This time I used a nubby washcloth with super warm water and more Dawn liquid. It did remove some of it, but it's still there. Think I'll cover our bedroom carpet with sheets tonight so that the carpet doesn't get ruined in case she decides not to sleep on her bed.


I half jokingly told DH that perhaps we should let her sleep in her snood tonight! Wonder if she'd be receptive to a bandana? LOL!

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Guest houndlover
I've found info on the ointment itself and it says that the ointment works so well because it "stays in ears." hmmmm.


That's interesting. I am battling severe infections in both ears with Cavoc (GSD) and I will definitely be asking the vet about this ointment when we go for our appt tomorrow. Do you know what type of bacteria Shelby is being treated for?

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Guest LindsaySF

I've always been prescribed Mometamax drops because it does both bacterial and fungal ear infections. I don't have any experience with the ointment you mention, but it doesn't sound like it will work if it doesn't stay in the ear! ;)



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Guest sorenkkg

the stuff we give when ours have an infection (usually yeast, though I think it treats everything) is TOTALLY slipping my mind right now (starts with an S, I know there's a couple)... But it's a thick liquid, and it totally gets EVERYWHERE.


We keep sheets on the dog beds and human couch, and they do wash out ok, but the stuff does get everywhere and makes the dogs head look oily and icky.


We also now do weekly "maintenance" with a solution (smells peachy... could use hexadene too, but I like this stuff-- I'll get the bottle): malacetic HC (thought it was boric, oops). anyway, an acidic environment will help towards preventing recurrences of the infections.


also, dogs with allergies are more prone to ear infections (i.e. recurring ear infections might indicate an allergy) so if it keeps happening, do take a look at the food, environment, etc.


Hope he gets better soon!

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Guest TexasGreytMom

sorenkkg - Sounds like the same mess we have going on here! Good to hear it works, though!


We were super busy and didn't have time to take her in at first, so the vet gave us Otibiotic ointment to try. It didn't work. I'm assuming it's made to treat fungal infections?


So, DH took her in and they did this treatment with the Bnt ointment (the current, messy stuff). It's for treating bacterial infections.


I've learned my lesson and won't miss out on a vet visit anymore - DH doesn't ask all the questions I normally do! LOL!


Will call the vet today and I'll let you all know what she says about it. Thanks!

Edited by TexasGreytMom
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Guest MorganKonaAlex

I've learned my lesson and won't miss out on a vet visit anymore - DH doesn't ask all the questions I normally do! LOL!

I've been known to call the Vet to get more complete answers after DH has taken a dog in. :ph34r

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Guest TexasGreytMom

I've learned my lesson and won't miss out on a vet visit anymore - DH doesn't ask all the questions I normally do! LOL!

I've been known to call the Vet to get more complete answers after DH has taken a dog in. :ph34r


Me, too ... they had the last appointment of the day and I didn't want to call after hours since it wasn't an emergency and could wait til the next day. But, I can so relate! Believe me, our vet clinic probably has us on speed dial! LOL!


Update - Our vet tech advised that the seepage is normal and should lessen each day. She said that body warmth thins the ointment and causes it to run out, but that a lot of it stays in deep in the ear canal. We take her back in in 10 days for a follow-up.


Today is a little better - not as much all over her head and neck as yesterday.


Glad to know that at least whatever's happening is "normal." :o)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest TexasGreytMom

Update --- DH took Shelby in for her follow-up visit today and her ear infection is totally cleared up. Although, she still shakes her head occasionally. Our vet said that she may just have reoccurring ear infections - that some pups are more susceptible to them than others. We'll clean her ears every other week as a precautionary measure.


So glad the treatment worked!


Word of advice to anyone who's vet applies the Bnt ointment ... have them insert cotton balls temporarily while you transport your pup home, or wrap the pup's head to cover the ears. We didn't realize that when Shelby shook her head in our SUV on the way home, the ointment went everywhere - even on the headliner. Took a lot of elbow grease to clean it up. Just a tip!

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Guest fruitypebbles

That thick goo is what contained the triple antibiotics. They heat it up, put it in a syringe, let it cool slightly and then inject it into the ear canal. Under normal circumstances it really shouldn't ooze out. SOunds like they might not have gotten it all the way into the canal, or used too much. It's an art to be able to do it without a mess. We've had great success with this treatment, it's worth it's weight in gold. it saves the owner having to wrestle a dog with painful ears to administer drops. Also, the warmed "goo" can actually be soothing to the pup with sore ears.



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Guest TexasGreytMom

Thanks for the info, fruitypebbles!


That must be what happened - they used too much - because it was a huge mess for days. But, we're just so grateful that it worked and she no longer has the infection. What an interesting procedure!

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  • 3 months later...
Guest TexasGreytMom

Just wanted to update. About a month ago we noticed that Shelby was beginning to shake her head again occasionally. We took her to our vet to see if she had a reoccurring ear infection, but he said her ears were clean and clear. She may just have sensitive ears.

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