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Crystals In Urine

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Gracie has been on a special diet for crystals in her urine for several months now. I took in a urine sample this morning because she started peeing on the rugs again. The vet called back and left a message that she has another UTI. Anyone have experience with anything like this? Is there something else I should be doing ie. cranberry pills? I'm going to pick up anitbiotics after work and will speak to the vet then but would appreciate any info before that so I can ask some informed questions.

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Guest Morgaynn

I'm not sure there is much more you can do except ask your vet if there is anything else you can do... When I took Nike in the other day my vet noted that Nike's Vulva was very small and tucked in.. It's kind of like males that maybe one testicle doesn't drop or they suck it back up inside- Females with small vuvla's it's kind of the same thing. It doesn't droop down like most female dogs making them more prone to UTI's because the bacteria gets trapped between her vulva and "hood". I wonder if this might be part of the problem? (It's not just a greyhound thing) If she is also cursed with a small tucked vulva she may just be prone to UTI's because of her specific anatomy.

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Guest eaglflyt

If your female has a skin fold over her vulva (as ours does), that will add to the possibility of her getting recurrent UTIs. Our girl is currently being treated for her first UTI and vaginitis. You may find THIS ARTICLE informative and helpful. Evidently this type of anatomy formation is not uncommon in medium to large dogs.


We will be watching our girl to see how things go in the future. We're currently on Clavamox and Rimadyl. She goes for a follow-up appt. tomorrow. We're also cleaning in that fold after each time she urinates with a warm wet cloth and following with a bit of neosporin ointment or Desitin cream.

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Guest StormChaser

Our medium size terrier mix had reoccurring crystals and infections when we first got her when she was about 1 year old. Her vet put her on Science Diet C/D and 1/2 a vitamin C in the AM and the other 1/2 in the PM. We did that for the rest of her life until she left us at 10 years old. She never had another problem with crystals or infections.

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Guest Greensleeves

Before you start her on cranberry, you'll need to know the urine pH, because the crystals that form in an acid environment (calcium oxylate) can be exacerbated by adding cranberry (which promotes an acidic pH).

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