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Greeting From Massachusetts

Guest izzi_iz_lazi

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Guest izzi_iz_lazi

Hello fellow greyhound owners! We are new owners of the wonderful Izzi, a petitie black girl whose 3.5 yeears old. We've had her for about a week and she is just been a doll.


She really has settled in nicely to her new home and EXCELS at lounging :) .


I was really nervous about her initial reaction to a foreign environment but she has exceeded all my expectations: she's a terrific walking companion (no pulling & appears to heel naturally), is very quiet (no barks, only whimpering when she gets up at 5 am), goes willingly in her crate, seems to be housebroken (only 1 accident - knock on wood), is very gentle and docile, has already conquered the stairs, and is so low energy that she appears to move backwards. What a dog :colgate


Any advice or comment on the early rising. Ideally I'd like her to get up between 5:30 & 6:00 am. Will she start sleeping in a little more as she gets more comfortable or older? Maybe I should just go to bed a half-hour earlier.


Thanks to all!!


Edited by izzi_iz_lazi
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Guest isntitgreyt

Welcome from Delaware and Congratulation!!! Pictures please!!! :)


Make sure you take her out right before you go to bed.

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Hi Scott and Welcome from Arizona! The early whimpering might be her telling you she has to go outside. In the case of my dogs it's because it's getting light out so it must be time for breakfast! :lol They sleep in longer in the winter.


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Guest Flint

Hello, I'm also from Massachusetts. Be sure to check out the greyound walking groups Greyhound Adventures and Trail Bound Hounds:





Where did you adopt Izzi from? I adopted my Flint from Greyhound Welfare and he's also an early riser so I don't have any advice for you on that. Izzi has only been with you a short time and you'll see her personality blossom as she settles in.

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Guest fastdogs

Howdy from another Bay Stater.


Getting her into a routine that works for you and her is the best thing. Try taking her out as late as possible for a pee break. She'll begin to adapt if you stay consistent.


Don't know where in MA you are, but we have a group that meet regularly on Sundays in eastern MA:

Greyhound Adventures



Sorry, I didn't get my post up before Marie plugged GA.




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Hi, happy to see your from Mass ....


As others have mentioned, there are some great walking groups that you might want to check out that meet on Saturday and Sunday.


As to the early rising ... when I have fosters I find the easiest way to get them accustomed to my schedule is to make sure I set an alarm for when I'm going to get up. If they wake up earlier, I tell them to go back to sleep (unless I think they absolutely have to go out).


It doesn't take mine long to figure out that I don't get up until the alarm goes off....

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Guest izzi_iz_lazi
Hello, I'm also from Massachusetts. Be sure to check out the greyound walking groups Greyhound Adventures and Trail Bound Hounds:





Where did you adopt Izzi from? I adopted my Flint from Greyhound Welfare and he's also an early riser so I don't have any advice for you on that. Izzi has only been with you a short time and you'll see her personality blossom as she settles in.


Thanks for getting back. We got her from Greyhound Friends in Hopkinton. Already starting to see her play with her toys a little more which is cool!

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Guest izzi_iz_lazi

We adopted Izzi from Greyhound Friends in Hopkinton, MA (thanks to Sandy for helping with the matching process).



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Welcome from the Southern NH/border of MA! I do the last potty break @ 11:00 PM and keep to that schedule, that way they usually don't have to get up too early to pee but when I 1st got Max, he would wake me up early, Sara sleeps in :)

Roberta & Michael with Furkids- Flower (Shasta Flowers 6/7/06) & Rascal the kitty - Missing our sweet angels - Max(M's Mad Max) 10/12/02 - 12/3/15, Sara (Sara Raves 6/30/01 - 4/13/12) Queenie & Pandora the kitties - gone but never forgotten

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Guest SoulsMom

Hi Scott! I'm a GHF volunteer, Soul and I work meet and greets. We're having one this Sunday at Petco in Shrewsbury if you and Izzi want to stop by and talk! We'll be there from 11am to 3pm

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Guest houndstooth4

:welcome I'll bet your girl is adorable!


The waking up time will gradually adjust to your schedule, just give it a little time. :)

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