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Cranberry Pills For A Greyhound

Guest TheUnrulyHound

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First of all, poor Cabby :( . The cranberry pills may very well help him. When Nadir had his ongoing incontinence problem I had him on Baytril, cranberry pills and was homecooking (hamburger/rice/veggies) for him and it did not clear up until I removed grains from his diet. It seems that Nadir's problem stemmed from an allergy to grains. Might be something to try if the cranberry pills don't work for the Cabster.

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Guest TheUnrulyHound

First of all, poor Cabby :( . The cranberry pills may very well help him. When Nadir had his ongoing incontinence problem I had him on Baytril, cranberry pills and was homecooking (hamburger/rice/veggies) for him and it did not clear up until I removed grains from his diet. It seems that Nadir's problem stemmed from an allergy to grains. Might be something to try if the cranberry pills don't work for the Cabster.

This is worth pondering, when he had his UTI in Easter it happened after he had a bunch of milkbones in celebration (some of you may remember the thread with pictures of his head in the treat box :) ). Perhaps that may have been part of the problem. I may start feeding him different treats and comparing the ingredients with his food too. thanks!

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