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Diabetes In Hounds-suspicion

Guest 3greysinPA

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Guest TurnerMiller01

Just curious if someone could give me some details on what their dog was like when they suspected Diabetes in their hound? :unsure


For along time we suspected LIlly had a UTI :huh... she has been on medications for UTI... and we have cut back on her water on night...


She no longer pees during the night, however She SEEMS to have an unusually Large thirst... always thirsty... drinks the entire bowl of water no matter how


much water you put in the bowl.. she will drink the whole thing. :eek .. and then pees enormous amounts of urine.. She pees enormous amounts of Pee no


matter if she drank a lot or alittle.



Anyway... i am now getting very worried about this with her and suspect Diabetes. Can anyone shed any light on this subject for me... good stories or bad.


thank you :)

Edited by TurnerMiller01
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Another condition that causes a hound to drink and drink like that is Cushings Disease.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

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Guest TurnerMiller01
Another condition that causes a hound to drink and drink like that is Cushings Disease.

Would that be diagnosed by blood work/test?

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I don't know about Cushing's but diabetes can be easily tested for. We had a diabetic cat who lived to the ripe old age of 18, and what first clued us in was the excessive drinking. Then one day we found her wandering around the house like she didn't know where she was and she didn't know who we were - her blood sugar was too low. Whatever it is with your pup, get it checked soon.

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Guest Energy11

one test to start testing for Cushings is a urine test ... Cortisol/Creatinine ratio, and if that comes back positive, there are several other tests that can be done. The test for Diabetes is done with regular bloodwork.


Hope this helps, but as the others have mentioned, both Diabetes and Cushings, have the symptoms of excessive drinking and excessive urination.


Good Luck, and hope you get to the bottom of this! D

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Guest kydie

Had a lab with diabetes, they are known for this, not sure about greys, drank, and drank, and drank, and no matter how much he ate he never gained weight, not thin, just an enormous amout of eating, also getting up at night to pee, just thought well, he drank a lot, has to pee a lot, one evening couldn't "wake" him, was in sugar shock, to vet, $500.00 later,(and this was 15 years ago) was just simple diabetes, if you suspect get the blood work done, it is cheaper than an e-vet visit Good Luck

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If you can do a dipstick test on the urine, that might show what it is ASAP and cheap.


The dipstick test isn't absolute- it only shows if sugar is spilling over into the urine- so if that's negative, the next step is a blood panel. But that can satisfy the question very quickly and inexpensively.

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Guest TurnerMiller01

thank u..


will be calling the regular vet in the morning to make an appt....


i want to get her better..or to the bottom of this... someting is definitely up.


thank u for caring and for all posts.

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We have had Sam for a year now. When he came to us he was drinking a lot of water and could pee for several minutes straight. Over the next few months we tested him for Cushings, UTIs, Lepto, and several other things. He was positive for lepto but I believe my vet said the excessive drinking and urinating wasn't necessarily a common sign. Sam continued to urinate frequently even after several months of antibiotics. We did ultrasounds that showed nothing and more blood work. We took him to specialists and they had us measure his water intake and we did several water tests. Long story short the best guess is that Sam has diabetes insipidus. He takes desmopressin daily. He does drink less on the medication but he can still drink 4 or 5 cups in the evening alone. We take him out frequently when we are home. He has always been able to hold it all night but he can only go about 4 hours during the day. Unfortunately desmo is not cheap!


Good luck with your little cutie

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