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Guest SunKissed

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Guest SunKissed

Our hound has a bald tummy...which looks ridiculous. I saw a thread on here that showed many hounds having the same issue, and also having bald thighs/bums. I can't for the life of me find the thread, but I'm curious...aside from health issues, what is it in healthy greys that makes them bald?

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Guest isntitgreyt

I was told once that some lose hair on their hind legs due to rubbing against crates. Foxy doesn't have much hair on her belly but she lays on her belly all the time so I think that may be why!! She's never had much hair there anyway.

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Guest eaglflyt

Our girl will turn 2 years old next month, and she just started losing hair by the handfuls! Out temps have been abnormally hot, but she's inside in air conditioning most of the time. At our local Grey FunDay in June, she had no baldness. Now, a few weeks later her backside is over 1/2 bald. She just checked out fine at our vet last week, so who knows why this happens. She eats wonderfully well, has plenty of energy, and looks great other than having a balding backside and tummy, too. I'm clueless. If it continues at this rate, I'll have a full thyroid panel done in the not-too-distant future.

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Guest twhitehouse

I probably have one of the baldest greys you'll ever see (No hair on tummy, chest, neck, butt, and inner parts of all legs). Yes, it does look ridiculous but I'm used to it now. Nothing wrong with her medically...just how some of them are. :dunno


Here's my baldy...













Edit to add photos. :)

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Out of curiosity- when dogs come from the track, or have been running loose for months or longer, or greyhounds that have been kept for long periods of time outdoors in harsh climates- do these dogs have more hair on their bellies? I know the dogs we've gotten from the track had coarser, longer coats that they lose in a matter of weeks or months, but never really bothered to pay attention to their bellies!


If this is the case, it may simply be an environmental thing. As for bald thighs, well- that's an academic discussion of Biblical proportions!

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest BatesieGreys

Greys for some reason tend to have a thicker coat when they are in the kennel. Many of them blow a lot of that fur when they come to a home. I have also heard that, similar to a regular fuzzy dog shedding its winter coat, Greys lose tummy/butt fur during warmer weather even if they are indoors most of the time. Some also lose hair as a result of dietary deficiencies. I know that some on here have posted that they give their hounds fish oil and that seems to help some. Others change food and it makes all the difference. Daisy is partially bald on her neck, tummy, butt, and thighs (inner and outer). I don't worry. She just had a checkup. I think its kind of cute. Dbf is bald on top and she is bald on bottom. I have a matching set.

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Guest RocketDog

Mine are both pretty naked, even with strict Omega-blend supplements, a good raw diet, and frequent rubdowns with a hound glove. Their bloodwork checks out within normal ranges and they are healthy as can be... just naked. I just write it off as a 'greyhound' thing.


ETA - photos of my naked dogs - both of them are naked from about halfway down their ribs, plus their butts and necks. Doesn't seem to bother them, and they both LOVE buttrubs ;)






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Greyhounds who do not race are just as likely to be bald as greys who do race. :)


Our group owner has two "puppies" (they're 10 now) who were born and raised in his house. They both have bald bums and bellies.


It's just a normal thing for greyhounds to experience. In our pack, 1/2 are bald on their bellies and bums, 1/2 are not, even though all of them raced about the same length of time.


I've even seen dogs come in from the track sporting super thick kennel coats, but still be bald on their bum and belly.

Edited by Jiffer

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Guest SunKissed

Well, it really is strange that we all seem to have these bald hounds! Poor Maverick, I've got long thick hair, DBF has super thick hair, both cats are long hair, and he's going bald!

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