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New Supplement I Tried And Why I Shouldn't Have

Guest HersheysMom

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Guest HersheysMom

I don't know if anyone else uses this here - it is a local distributor and was recommended to me by a local store. It's a flea/tick/bug repellent, however, I only recently put two and two together and realized that #1 it contains dried hops and #2 hops are BAD for dogs, especially greyhounds are noted as being sensitive. If you simply google "greyhounds and hops" a bunch of articles come up stating that even in small amounts it can cause malignant hyperthermia (which causes a dogs' temp to escalate out of control) All dogs are susceptible, but greyhounds more so than other breeds.


I'm posting this to warn others. I think what was most disturbing to me was that I wrote their customer service because I just couldn't believe there was no warning on the label. I got no response, and I wrote a whole week ago. I'm just so upset that I put my dogs at risk unknowingly.


This is the supplement. Stay away.


Earth Animal Internal Powder


We're on Sentinel for fleas now and use tick collars.

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Seems like it's been on the market 20 years. Have you called them up to ask why the heck they'd put hops in there if it's bad for dogs? Is it residue from fermenting, so the "bad stuff" from hops is gone? Is it in such small quantities that it's normally not a problem?

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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I'de be really upset too, and not getting a response is not acceptable. If they're a local distrib I would call them and if I didn't receive an satisfactory answer, I'de be calling the consumer affairs division/attorney general or your local newspaper.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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