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Cisco Is Throwing Up

Guest Flysmom

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Guest Flysmom

I need your help and advice.

Cico is throwing up!! He woke me up his usual happy self, ate his kibble and an hour later he started to throw up. He is acting happy and fine, he starts to whine right before he has to vomit and when he is done I have a hard time keeping him away from the mess because he wants to eat it...

He just threw up a few minutes ago and it was not kibble but the water he drank. His gums look fine, he is acting fine except for his throwing up. Could it be the kibble and rice and a bit of oil he had last night that causes this? No chemicals were sprayed in the yard, he cannot get into anything in the house, Jack - non grey - ate the same food and seems fine. Could it be an upset tummy? My husband left on Monday for a business trip - could he be just upset? Should I reduce the amount of water I give him to a few small sips rather than have him drink and drink? His gums look fine.

He is resting right now and his breating is fine, he does not feel warm to me. We have a homevisit scheduled tonight - should I cancel it?

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Guest Flysmom
We have a homevisit scheduled tonight - should I cancel it?


A vet coming to the house?


Try letting him lick ice cubes. I don't like it when they cannot keep anything down including water. Any way he ate a piece of toy or ball or?



No, I am helping the GPA and I am supposed to visit a family that wants to adopt....


Not sure about the toys or piece of ball, nothing seemed chewed or missing yesterday.... I will try the ice cubes!!!

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Guest TaraCoachCougar

Mine have occassionally thrown-up from unidentified issues over the years. They also went through stages where they would munch grass and then throw up. Nothing like that chug chug gagging sound in the middle of the night right before they are able to get the food up!


I wouldn't panic right now, but do keep an eye on him.



Also, when I first got Coach and was just feeding once a day, she developed a habit of throwing up bile in the middle of the night. After switching to 2 feedings a day, she did much better. That probably doesn't help because you said it was clear like water. This was yellowish bile.


Hope he feels better soon.

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Guest kydie

Ice cubes, and some chicken broth, you know just like when you have an upset stomach, I would hold the solid for a few hours, try toast, no butter, jelly or honey, sugar settles a human stomach, a piece then an hour or so then try another piece of toast

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Guest Energy11

I'd try getting a Pepcic AC, 10 or 20 mg into him. Helps gas, etc.


Also, when MINE vomit, I keep them away food and tons of water, cause it (vomiting) will happen again. I'd start with chicken brooth, plain yogert and plain pumpkin, and see how that does with the tummy.


IF he keeps doing it, paces, pants, gums get pale, might be bloat, and that, as you probably know, IS a medical emergency. I'd keep an eye on him, and if it were me, I might cancel my home visit for today, just in case.


Good Luck and keep us posted.

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Guest Flysmom

Thank you all!! I will go to Walgreens later to get the Pepcid!! I am so worried - ever since Fly got sick and was misdiagnosed for so long I am very, very overreactive when it comes to my animals.... I try to stay calm because me freaking out does not help...


I made the mistake and let him drink water - thinking while he was drinking that I am an idiot for letting him drink.... Of course it came back up - yellow..... He is resting again on his pillow, no panting or pacing, gums look fine. I toasted him some bread and he got a small piece a few minutes ago. I will also make him some chickenbroth and then run to the store to get the Pepcid. I will observe him all day and see how things go. May be some pumpkin later.

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If he can't keep anything down, he needs to see the vet.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest Judynyc

Actually, it'd be better for him for you to not keep trying to feed him anything until you know that he's stopped vomiting....fasting for 12-24 hours is advised.


Drinking water after vomiting can start the drink/vomit cycle...so letting him lick ice cubes is the best way to go.


Good Luck!

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Guest Energy11

Yes, TRUE, vetting if he can't keep anything down. I just know what works for me and mine, but, every dog is different, FOR SURE :)) It is a little this, maybe not so much of that ... just like when we humans have upset stomachs.


Good Luck! Stomach issues are NEVER fun!



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Guest Flysmom

Thank you again! I read the article, me in my panic forgot that he got in the trash yesterday afternoon and it seems he had some coffee grounds.... I pooped this morning between throwing up and the poop seemed firm. I am holding off feeding him or giving him water/broth for a while. My husband just came home from his business trip and I will run to the store for the Pecid, that way he is not alone at home in case he gets sick again. He was trying to help me make lunch earlier (he did not get any thing!!!!! he never does but in his mind it does not hurt begging...), he is calm and is watching us and seems to be happy that my husband is back home. I WILL take him to the vet if he is not getting better!!!!

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Be very careful. If he's not keeping anything down, including water, he can dehydrate very quickly. When my Emmy woke up one morning not able to keep anything down, including water I rushed her to the vet and they had to rehydrate her immediately. Greyhounds can dehydrate very quickly.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Energy11

IF he is keeping fluids down, you can mix Gatorade, or other sports drinks, 1/2 water to 1/2 drink. That can also help keep him hydrated, but, others posts have said, he he can't keep ANYTHING down, he needs to see the vet. Good luck! Hope this all passes soon! D

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Guest Flysmom

Update!! He is keeping the chicken broth and the small pieces of dry toast down!! He has not vomited for the last 4 hours. I will keep him on broth, toast and may be some rice later. I also give him some ice cubes every 20 minutes and check his gums for signs of dehydrations also. I forgot the Gatorrade.... Will get that later. I only take him out to let him pee since it is so darn hot here!

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Guest Flysmom

He continues to get better! I am still giving him Toast and tonight he got a boiled chickenbreast and some broth. Boy is he giving me the stinkeye!!!!! Even my husband told me that: 'if looks could kill...' I would drop dead...

He went outside tonight and started doing zoomies, I was not too happy about that, I don't want him to over do it... I also caught him in the trashcan trying to eat a banana peal... I either need a new dogproof trash can or I need to move the trash...

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Guest Energy11
He continues to get better! I am still giving him Toast and tonight he got a boiled chickenbreast and some broth. Boy is he giving me the stinkeye!!!!! Even my husband told me that: 'if looks could kill...' I would drop dead...

He went outside tonight and started doing zoomies, I was not too happy about that, I don't want him to over do it... I also caught him in the trashcan trying to eat a banana peal... I either need a new dogproof trash can or I need to move the trash...

Ah ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe he got into something in that trash that upset his stomach :-(


Guess it is time to "greyproof" your trash! Glad he is better!

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Guest SusanP

Can you keep a small trash can under the kitchen sink in the cabinet? We gave up on a bathroom trash can after Spinner joined our pack. The trash in there now goes into a plastic grocery store bag hung on a hook behind the bathroom door.


Glad he's feeling better!

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