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Poor Cirrus

Guest westexhound

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Guest westexhound

Our mixed breed dog, Cirrus, suddenly stopped eating this week. By the 3rd day I took her to the vet. She had a very high temp, the vet figured pobable bacterial infection so gave antibiotics plus injection of B12. Should be better by that night but if not better in 24 hrs come back. Cirrus did not get better, still not eating on 4th day so back to vet. Blood work done. High white blood cells (bacterial infection), but rbc, hemoglobin, hematocrit down. Heartworm test good, stool sample no parasites. Another injection of B12 and meds for inflamed intestines plus some special food to try to get her to eat. Somehow I got one small can of food down her that day plus some turkey.

5th day at 5 am she vomits 2x. A few hrs later when I get up for the day she follows me out of the bedroom, wobbles and falls over! Her gums have been pale through all this but are now about as white as her teeth! I'm counting the minutes til 8:00 to call vet. She of course says bring her right in to be hospitalized. Her rbc which was low on the 4th day had dropped significantly on the 5th day (yesterday). They ended up giving her a transfusion yesterday and sending blood off to Texas A&M for further testing.

Vet says its quite likely an autoimmune diease. We'll get the blood results back Mon or Tues.

We're lucky that our vet is just a few blocks away is letting us come in throughtout the weekend to visit Cirrus & try to get her to eat. She did eat today -- thank goodness!

She is only 5 yrs old and we are so anxious to find out the diagnosis but also a prognosis!


Thanks for listening



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Guest greydogluvr

Sounds like possibly Addison's Disease. My Bassett mix has this and many of the same symptoms. I am going to PM you. Lora


Can't PM you but look up Addison's online. Sounds so familiar. If it is addison's please get to vet asap.

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Guest westexhound

greydogluvr I probably don't have enough posts yet for pm, but will look up Addisons and talk with vet about it.


burpdog Also will ask about a tick panel. Don't know if that is one of the tests A&M is doing.


Just got back from seeing Cirrus for the second time today. She ate this am but would take nothing now. She's looking pretty tired again this afternoon. Will be back there at 8 am tomorrow to check on her.


Thanks for the heads up on possible things to check for.



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Guest westexhound

Your guess is as good as mine on what type of mix. Maybe husky, shepherd ??? I'll just post a pic. She's 45 lbs and can get over a 6 ft fence if there is a squirrel on the other side. :colgate


We are very worried about her.

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Guest greydogluvr
Your guess is as good as mine on what type of mix. Maybe husky, shepherd ??? I'll just post a pic. She's 45 lbs and can get over a 6 ft fence if there is a squirrel on the other side. :colgate


We are very worried about her.



She is precious. How is she now. Have you looked at the Addison's sites? Does it even sound remotely possible? How are they treating her now. Is she on fluids? Are they giving her any meds? Sorry for so many questions. I am thinking of you all. I hope Cirrus is doing better and has a diagnosis or treatment soon.

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Guest westexhound

Looked at a few Addisons Disease sites and my initial feel is that it does not strike me as being the case. She never had diarrhea, only vomiting twice, definitely has the loss of appetite. The dropping red blood cell count seems to be the biggie. She had a transfusion yesterday which perked her up this morning but she looked pretty wiped out late this afternoon. Don't know what meds she is taking now since she is at the animal hospital. They are letting us come in twice tomorrow since it's Sunday to check on her while the techs are there. Will double check on what they are giving her.

Thanks for asking about her.

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Guest greydogluvr
Looked at a few Addisons Disease sites and my initial feel is that it does not strike me as being the case. She never had diarrhea, only vomiting twice, definitely has the loss of appetite. The dropping red blood cell count seems to be the biggie. She had a transfusion yesterday which perked her up this morning but she looked pretty wiped out late this afternoon. Don't know what meds she is taking now since she is at the animal hospital. They are letting us come in twice tomorrow since it's Sunday to check on her while the techs are there. Will double check on what they are giving her.

Thanks for asking about her.


Really hope that she has more energy tomorrow. I bet you can't wait to see her. Hopefully tomorrow you will find some answers. Thanks for keeping us updated.

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Guest westexhound

Still waiting on the bloodwork from TX A&M, but it is all about the crashing red blood cell count, hematocrit, platelets. Some good news is that platelets and hematocrit came up a bit and is holding since her blood transfusion on Fri. DH and I have been going to the clinic 2-3x/day to let her out, hold her while she get shots, putting pills down her throat, we finally had to force feed her yesterday. Unfortunately, she growls and snaps at the staff so obviously its way better for us to go and do that.

We got to bring her home this am,but everything is still very guarded. The strong possibilities are an autoimmune disorder that is killing off rbc's to a form of lupus to luekemia to tick related disease.

Thanks for all the positive thoughts :goodluck:goodluck:goodluck

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Guest kydie

You have a beauty there, I love mixed breed dogs, soooooo much, I have a GSP that we could not find out what the issues were, test sent to Texas A&M found out the problems I will keep my fingers crossed for her

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest westexhound

It's been a long few weeks but our Cirrus has made it through what I hope is the worst. Official diagnosis is an auto immune blood disorder -- hemolytic anemia. She truly almost did not survive the first week, even the vet admitted yesterday that she didn't think she was going to make it. She is on prednisone and is eating everything in sight! :yay

Her hematocrit is up to 30 (was as low as 10) and rbc is slowly coming up. :yay:yay Her energy level is coming back up too -- she felt good enough to tear up our gh Nikki's bed! arrgh! ^_^

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