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Need Advice Asap - What To Do?

Guest sorenkkg

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Guest sorenkkg

Hi All,


We are in week twentylebbenhundred as the hounds would say, of Haka's ringworm battle.


2 weeks ago, we went in for another test-- 2 tests actually, as we did DNA (back in 3 days) and culture (2-4 weeks as fungus grows slowly in a culture, apparently).


So, we got the DNA results back quickly, as expected, and they were NEGATIVE! which is great, and weird, b/c it's very sensitive and usually picks up "dead ringworm" thus often producing false positives. The culture test would then be the determiniation.


Ok-- so the DNA was negative. THEN, we find a "new" lesion on Haka. We don't know if it just came up, if we missed it from previous searches, or if it is brand new (i.e. he re-infected himself).


The culture results are not back yet-- preliminary on them is "no growth" but they're waiting to give a final report.


Here's the connundrum-- we are going on a few days vacation to Chicago, and we have a greysitter lined up (to sit in their house, not ours).

Aleeya doesn't have the infection, but we are now confused about Haka's status.


Do we allow the kids to go to the sitter's? Or, do we go with our plan B which is having my mom come in from 6hrs away to sit with the kids in our own house, just in case Haka is still infectious?



BTW-- he's had this since at least December (untreated) and we've been treating him (pills, sprays, frequent house cleaning) since mid-March (so 8 weeks)-- and no humans in the house, or Aleeya, have gotten any infection.


Thanks for any advice!


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Guest Energy11

Hummmmm... this one is hard to call!


Ringworm IS VERY contagious. I picked it up twice, working at my vets in Florida from, mostly cats that were boarding.


If you think the ringworm is active, you might NOT want to have them around any other dogs or people.


Any chance of getting a petsitter to come to YOUR house? You could advise him/her abut the ringworm, and they could wear gloves, and wash well, like we did at the vets.


Keep us posted, and Good Luck! This kind of stuff ALWAYS seems to happen when we are about to go away! :-(



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Guest Jennifer4719

Since no other human or hound in the home have been infected since December, then I would say that it is likely not ringworm. Ringworm is very contagious.


Not an easy decision you have to make and maybe you should talk to your vet and your pet sitter about your situation. Good Luck! I hope you are able to get something worked out.

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Guest sorenkkg

I know, I'm so conflicted :(


energy-- thanks for the excellent link!


I was keeping up in another thread, but just to give some background-- we are positive it is/was ringworm. They did a DNA test in March, and it is for sure ringworm, we just didn't bother with a culture so we don't know the species.


We did 4 weeks of Ketoconazole, and vitamins, b/c as it mentions in the article(s) this is likely a problem for Haka perhaps due to immune system issues (previously not an issue, so this is the first we've heard of it).

After 1 month, he was still showing new lesions, so we went right to Itraconazole (can you say $300 for a 1 month supply) and continue with the vitamins.


I noticed a lesion in December, but, no one thought it was ringworm until I insisted he was tested in March. Sigh.


So on one hand-- it's supposed to be highly contagious. On the other hand, neither my husband nor I nor Aleeya have anything.



I think we have to err on the side of caution and not send them to the sitter's. We do have an "in house" being my Mom, but she has to come from another city 6hrs away.

She is willing to come (looking forward to some "away" time) but I rather she didn't have to make the trip.


I don't want the greysitters to have to worry about maybe infecting their grey, and having to clean their whole house.


I want to see if there are culture results on Monday-- should be 3 weeks at that point.

so far, the preliminary results are "no growth" so maybe he's ok?


this sucks.

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Guest Winterwish

I guess a lot would depend on the greysitter and their ability to possibly keep the treatments going,and to try to help Haka lie down on his own bed only if possible.

If they do go you may want to send along some fitted sheets to try to wrap around his bed (assuming that's going to the sitter too). And best that they be changed everyday and just placed in a hefty bag 'til you get back and can wash them.

It would also depend on them having other pets of course too.



I know this isn't what you were asking but I was thinking about this in your other thread for Haka.

There's one child where I work that it just never really seems to leave,and just about everything available has been tried. It's ort of a combo between eczema and fungally stuff,--- defintely positive for ringworm -- which can happen together (eczema and ringworm).

You've been doing such a great job with all that needed doing to get it under control,and I want to mention to you that we've been giving probiotics to this child for at least 8 months now,maybe a year already. So far so good,the ringworm has not reared it's ugly head in a few months now. And this was a very,very difficult case of it. I would say 4 to 8 large lesions at any given time. But too,it was in addition to a kind of scaley,contact dermatitis/eczema.

Going with it being rooted in candidiasis,probiotics were started to keep the growth of that candida down. Just wanted to emntion it in case you hadn't added them to Haka's routine as well.


I'm not really giving a helpful answer to your question tho'!


Well,I guess ideally I'd have to say,since Haka's case has been so resistant as well as recurrant,I'd ask your mother if she could come and stay.

You could let mother know you'll have ice cream,some good movies,and some spa treatment items for her baths! :)

Edited by Winterwish
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Guest Winterwish
I think we have to err on the side of caution and not send them to the sitter's. We do have an "in house" being my Mom, but she has to come from another city 6hrs away.

She is willing to come (looking forward to some "away" time) but I rather she didn't have to make the trip.


this sucks.


It does suck! 


And you've been doing a great job in taking care of this Soren. If mother comes to greysit I hope she has a really nice time with Haka and Aleeya,and that you have a fun vacation!




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Guest greytloves

Personally, I would not want to even possibly subject your greysitter to ringworm. I would look for one to come to your house and do the safety precautions and gloves. You guys may not have caught it, but what if they did? Knowing how hard and aggravating that has been for you, do you want to put someone else threw that?

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Guest Energy11
Personally, I would not want to even possibly subject your greysitter to ringworm. I would look for one to come to your house and do the safety precautions and gloves. You guys may not have caught it, but what if they did? Knowing how hard and aggravating that has been for you, do you want to put someone else threw that?



Yes, that (*having a sitter come to the house, and use "universal precautions," as we say in EMS. Handwashing to the elbows, gloves, etc. and Lysol on clothing, shoes, etc. before going inside other homes.


IT DOES SUCK, though, and always, always happens on a holiday!

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I'd not expose any other dogs to the possibility of ringworm.

If per chance they (petsitter's dogs or the petsitter herself) did come down with it, if it had been passed from my dog, I'd feel horrible and also financially responsible and I don't know what it's cost you so far, but I wouldn't want to have to pay to treat someone elses dog, or another human, and put them through all that too.

So I would call your mom and keep your doggies home where everyone will be safe and sound. :)



edited cause I can't spell!

Edited by Anne
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Guest sorenkkg

You guys are very helpful, thanks!


My mom (who is totally willing and wanting to come, actually) also suggested I call the family and give them the option.


I don't think he's contagious anymore, but they need to know, and I bet we end up keeping them home.


Winterwish-- I will look into probiotics. They eat Eagle Pack which I belive does have probiotics in it, and I'll check, and see what else I can add.


I was told that the -azole meds are best in an acidic environment, so I give it with yogurt, which also has probiotic bacteria in it, just normally. I have to say he had NO adverse reactions to the meds, we were on the lookout.


He's also taking RX Immuno support vitamins from the vet, but maybe needs to up the dose? She wants him taking them 3 months at least.


I'll let the sitters know and expect them to politely decline... I'll update here soon :)

thanks again everyone!

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Guest sorenkkg

As expected, they declined... better safe than sorry.


My mom will come in either tomorrow or tuesday, and we leave wednesday.


So far, no new lesions on Haka-man, and the one we found is quite dried up now. We're still spraying with Imaverol, him, the couch, the beds, etc. Washing all the covers and toys too. I'm going to check the cupboard now, cuz I think we have a pro-biotic supplement that I tried a while ago for him, but it was too much too soon for his tummy. Or I'll find a more probiotic yogurt maybe?


Who wants to lay odds that we get the call from the vet at the last minute, saying the test came back negative? :rolleyes:



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Guest Energy11
As expected, they declined... better safe than sorry.


My mom will come in either tomorrow or tuesday, and we leave wednesday.


So far, no new lesions on Haka-man, and the one we found is quite dried up now. We're still spraying with Imaverol, him, the couch, the beds, etc. Washing all the covers and toys too. I'm going to check the cupboard now, cuz I think we have a pro-biotic supplement that I tried a while ago for him, but it was too much too soon for his tummy. Or I'll find a more probiotic yogurt maybe?


Who wants to lay odds that we get the call from the vet at the last minute, saying the test came back negative? :rolleyes:

If your luck is like mine, YES, the test will come back negative, after all of this, BUT, at least you are doing the right thing, just to be safe! Have a SAFE trip! D

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As expected, they declined... better safe than sorry.


My mom will come in either tomorrow or tuesday, and we leave wednesday.


So far, no new lesions on Haka-man, and the one we found is quite dried up now. We're still spraying with Imaverol, him, the couch, the beds, etc. Washing all the covers and toys too. I'm going to check the cupboard now, cuz I think we have a pro-biotic supplement that I tried a while ago for him, but it was too much too soon for his tummy. Or I'll find a more probiotic yogurt maybe?


Who wants to lay odds that we get the call from the vet at the last minute, saying the test came back negative? :rolleyes:


That's the kind of thing ONLY my Mom would be willing to do! Your Mom sounds great. And now you can relax and enjoy your trip. I'm sure the dogs will be happier in their own home anyway!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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