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Riley Throwing Up Small Amounts Of Bile, Appetite Is Less

Guest EmilyAnne

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Guest EmilyAnne

Riley has thrown up small amounts of bile about 3 times over the last couple days. Normally I'd blow it off, but with him having cancer I just wanted to double check if I should worry about it or not. Also, he is only eating half his meals. He recently got his pain meds doubled, (Tramadol) and went on Prednisone. Is this a side effect of one of those drugs? He is also on Pepcid AC, Benadryl, fish oil, vitamin E, but he has been taking those for a while now.

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Most likely the Pred would cause stomach upset, vs. the tramadol. Maybe get a prescription for Sulcrafate to coat his stomach prior to medicating? It's stronger than Pepcid. Sending more prayers... :hope

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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Guest EmilyAnne

He started Prednisone on Monday, and is taking it twice daily until this Monday, when we drop the dose down to once a day. I will call the vet and see if I should either go ahead and drop the dose a couple days early, or try the Sulfracate. I have Metaclopramide on hand which I was given when he went through chemo in case of nausea. I will call the vet and run all this by her.

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Guest EmilyAnne

OK, vet says drop the Pred dose to once a day now instead of waiting till Monday, and if he does not feel better by tomorrow, then call her for a script for Sulcrafate.

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Guest ss556

Do you think it would be a good idea to stop the fish oil and Vit E for a few days as well? Hope he's feeling better soon.

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Guest EmilyAnne
Do you think it would be a good idea to stop the fish oil and Vit E for a few days as well? Hope he's feeling better soon.

It never occured to me fish oil and vitamin E could cause stomach upset,


does anyone here know anything about that? Off to go research...

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Guest Energy11

Curfew is on Pred. 20 mg. a day. NO stomach upset or problems, and he does take it with 20 mg/Pepcid AC.


I know from PERSONAL experience, fish oil does a number on my stomach! I'd stop it, for now, and see what happens. Good Luck with this! D

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Guest EmilyAnne

This was Riley's medicine regimen before todays's med adjustment:


2-25 mg Bendryl, twice a day

2-10 mg Pepcid AC, twice a day

1-20 mg Prednsidone, twice a day for first 7 days, then will drop to once a day.

1 fish oil capsule, twice a day

1 vitamin E, twice a day

50 mg Tramadol, 1-2 pills 3 times a day.


Pred has been reduced to only once a day, and no more fish oil and vitamin E till he feels better, and then that too will be dropped down to only once a day.


I finally go him to eat his breakfast this afternoon, after adding in some cheese. I already have been adding gravy. He ate all of his supper! And, the really good news, Riley had been having to wear a long sleeve t shirt in order to keep him from licking the problem tumor. Being a very long haired dog, and the weather warming up, and having to wear the belly band, it will be a welcome relief if he doesnt need the shirt anymore! The tumor is definately looking better and better, thanks to the Pred. I wonder if I might be able to lower the Tramadol with the tumor looking better??


One day at a time... :)

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Guest ss556

Whenever Alan had a upset tummy, I stopped the supplements like fish oil & vitamins etc. I know they bother me too. Hope Riley does well.

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Guest EmilyAnne

Brain fart on post #9, I meant to explain, good news- Riley may not need the t shirt anymore as he has not been wearing it all evening and has been dong fine.


Shouldnt drink and post! :lol



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