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Flea And Tick Protection

Guest Shamrock

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Guest Shamrock

I am currently using Front Line Plus for my two Greys. I have been hearing a lot about Advantrix not only preventing but also repelling fleas and ticks. Anyone have any experience or advice in this area?



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Guest Energy11

I have never used Advantix. MANY greyhound owners have told me that they've had bad results with this product! Rashes, skin problems, etc. I, personally, use Adams Flea and Tick Mist twice a week. It works pretty well and is safe.


Good Luck! Fleas and ticks "bite," literally! :-( D

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Guest SoulsMom

I'm a nervous nelly when it comes to this stuff . . . .I hate the thought of putting liquid poison on my dogs. Thankfully, I haven't needed flea protection, but they DO need tick protection. I use the Preventic collars and they work very, very well. They only wear them when outside the yard though.

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Guest ChancesMom

Bill, I think that Advantrix was the one that I used on Chance and he had a reaction to it. His skin literally crawled anytime you touched him around the area where it had been applied. I ended up calling the vet and the company. I had tried wiping it off of him with a wet paper towel but after talking to the company, I was instructed to wash it off with liquid dishwashing detergent.

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Advantix works well, but some people have reported reactions. Also, if you have a cat, DO NOT USE IT.


My vet won't even give me a prescription; this stuff is apparently very dangerous to use around cats, and since my cats love on my houndie all the time, the vet won't let me use it.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest FordRacingRon

We have a lot of fleas all of a sudden in southern California. I had been using Frontline which took care of the ticks when that was a problem 3 years ago. But now the Frontline doesn't work well. We had been picking a few fleas off of Leia every day. I was going to go to Advantix but too many people here on this borad told me thier dogs had a problem with it. My DW is angry that I bought so much Frontline plus so for now,,and I just started this,,I am going to do one month of Frontline alternating with a month of Advantage. Advantage doesn't do ticks though so I am hoping the every other month deal works. When I run out of Frontline I am going the Advantage rout along with the Preventic collar. To me it seems the majority here like that combo the best. FYI,,Leia got her first dose of Advantage 3 days ago and the fleas are gone for sure.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Shamrock

Thanks to everyone who replied. The kids are doing fine on the Frontline Plus. Due to all the rain we have had lately the insect population is nuts in NE-PA. Trouble is I've got two sunbathers. Got to keep those doggies rolling.


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Guest IrskasMom



Yes,the Tick Invasion is in full Swing . I use Frontline Plus . Of Course , checking him over every time we go to the Park

is a must. Yes we pick up a Tick just about every Day, we take it off before it bites and everything is cool. :rolleyes:

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Guest TBSFlame
Thanks to everyone who replied. The kids are doing fine on the Frontline Plus. Due to all the rain we have had lately the insect population is nuts in NE-PA. Trouble is I've got two sunbathers. Got to keep those doggies rolling.



The insects are terrible here in NC because of all the rain this year. I had to change to Advantage because the Frontline just wasn't working any longer. The vet said others were telling him the same thing.

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Guest TurnerMiller01

i use the frontline plus on both my hounds... and i have good results... no fleas and no 'live' ticks...

Yesterday, i actually found a DEAD tick in Lilly's kennel; so apparently the Frontline is working, thats a good thing. :)

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