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Lincoln Update - He Is Home & He Is Bionic

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Guest ChancesMom

Jennifer, I am so glad that Lincoln is doing so well. I had to laugh when I saw Susan in the xpen because that was what I was going to suggest. I don't have any ideas but will continue sending good thoughts for Lincoln and lots of Hugs to you. Maybe you need Valium to get you througn this. :lol

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  • 3 months later...
Guest shortcat
Lincoln got his last dose of pain meds last night.


He woke up at 5am today! Oh my.


So I got up & took him for a potty break. That is not what he wanted - he wanted to play. Sorry buddy - you can't right now.


Being 13mos old his attention span is very short. The best toy so far - plastic water bottles. I know - not environmentally friendly, but we are talking my sanity here. It is the only toy he will pickup for more than a few minutes. I think he loves the noise it makes as much as anything.


I am going to the pet supply store today at lunch to check out some interactive toys.


Another few days of Cephalexin & he will be off meds. They warned me with his other joint issues he may still need something like Deramaxx, but we will go drug free to see how he does.


He figured out yesterday that his "special treats" were hiding his pills, so he started spitting them out. He will take them however if my sister (his dog nanny) gives them to him. What a punk!



Lincoln got his last dose of pain meds last night.


He woke up at 5am today! Oh my.


So I got up & took him for a potty break. That is not what he wanted - he wanted to play. Sorry buddy - you can't right now.


Being 13mos old his attention span is very short. The best toy so far - plastic water bottles. I know - not environmentally friendly, but we are talking my sanity here. It is the only toy he will pickup for more than a few minutes. I think he loves the noise it makes as much as anything.


I am going to the pet supply store today at lunch to check out some interactive toys.


Another few days of Cephalexin & he will be off meds. They warned me with his other joint issues he may still need something like Deramaxx, but we will go drug free to see how he does.


He figured out yesterday that his "special treats" were hiding his pills, so he started spitting them out. He will take them however if my sister (his dog nanny) gives them to him. What a punk!

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