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Carnassial Abscess Tooth

Guest andrealynch

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Guest andrealynch

Hello All:


My boy "Drinkin Bacardi" just hasn't been himself. It started with him getting picky about eating for the past few days, then last night, he woke me up a few times crying, and went to sleep on the couch by himself--both things that are NOT like him at all.


Then, today when I came home, he greeted me at the door, but then laid down in the living room with a sad look on his face. I immediately took him to the vet, and he has been diagnosed with Carnassial Abscess--and is now on Tramidol and a med to start killing the bacteria in his mouth and around the infected tooth. :eek


He is going in on Weds. to have his tooth extracted and to have them cleaned while under. Anyone have any experience with this? I just want my happy boy back!


In the meantime, how else can I make him comfy, besides giving him the meds that the doctor has prescribed?


Thank you for all of your help! :unsure


Andrea & Bacardi

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Guest Greensleeves

LOTS of experience, unfortunately (five, I think?). Sometimes the meds can actually clear up the infection, but usually it's better if the tooth can just come out. The extraction is difficult and lengthy because the tooth has three very long roots that all splay in different directions, and they have to break the tooth into pieces and remove each root/piece separately. So there's usually a little more post-op pain involved than with a normal dental--but I would expect him to be back to nearly 100% by two days after the dental, if not the day after.


Our vet likes us to give an anti-inflammatory (Rimadyl/Deramaxx) before the dental, because it can make the process a little less painful, so you might ask about that.


Good luck!

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Guest andrealynch
LOTS of experience, unfortunately (five, I think?). Sometimes the meds can actually clear up the infection, but usually it's better if the tooth can just come out. The extraction is difficult and lengthy because the tooth has three very long roots that all splay in different directions, and they have to break the tooth into pieces and remove each root/piece separately. So there's usually a little more post-op pain involved than with a normal dental--but I would expect him to be back to nearly 100% by two days after the dental, if not the day after.


Our vet likes us to give an anti-inflammatory (Rimadyl/Deramaxx) before the dental, because it can make the process a little less painful, so you might ask about that.


Good luck!


Thank you! I just gave him all his pain meds--so hopefully he will feel a little better--still sleeping alone on the couch :(


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Guest mike

In my experience he will actually feel better when the tooth is gone. The meds you were given will help significantly. He'll be back to his normal self in no time.

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Pearl's abscessed tooth was the smallest tooth way in the back of her mouth. On top. We didn't catch it until she couldn't open her mouth. It was misdiagnosed and she was put on pred instead of pain meds and antibiotics. It also caused some kidney damage and her hypertension.


I'm glad you're getting it out.



But to be on the safe side have her checked for protein in the urine (glomerulo nephritis) and have her BP checked. To make sure the bad tooth didn't cause any other problems.




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Guest bigbrindlebunny

I can't speak for your poor puppy, but I've had a couple abscesses. No wonder I choose a Greyhound, bad teeth run in the family. :D


My first abscess, in a wisdom tooth, was the worst pain of my life. Pain meds didn't really do much, it's happening on a nerve level. It took over a week to blow up, and by the time it did you couldn't even touch it with a finger. I sat in the Endodontist's office with tears just running down my face, I couldn't stop them. Because it was a wisdom tooth they simply pulled it instead of doing a root canal, and to be out of that kind of pain felt FANTASTIC. Having a tooth pulled is no picnic, and there will be special stuff you have to do for a few days afterwards to prevent infection and keep it clotted, but it's FAR, FAR, FAR, better than the abscess.


Please let us know how it goes. My thoughts will be with my fellow, canine sufferer.


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My Phantom had this, and it was cured by antibiotics the first time for over a year and then it came back, so I had it pulled. He was amazingly more comfy after it was gone. Bacardi hould feel much more like himself after that mean old toofer is gone. :)

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Guest andrealynch
I can't speak for your poor puppy, but I've had a couple abscesses. No wonder I choose a Greyhound, bad teeth run in the family. :D


My first abscess, in a wisdom tooth, was the worst pain of my life. Pain meds didn't really do much, it's happening on a nerve level. It took over a week to blow up, and by the time it did you couldn't even touch it with a finger. I sat in the Endodontist's office with tears just running down my face, I couldn't stop them. Because it was a wisdom tooth they simply pulled it instead of doing a root canal, and to be out of that kind of pain felt FANTASTIC. Having a tooth pulled is no picnic, and there will be special stuff you have to do for a few days afterwards to prevent infection and keep it clotted, but it's FAR, FAR, FAR, better than the abscess.


Please let us know how it goes. My thoughts will be with my fellow, canine sufferer.


YOUCH! That doesn't sound like any fun!!! I am really glad you are all taken care of--so there is hope for Bacardi :)


I just wish our puppers could talk to us and tell us what the heck is going on! All I can say is...that goodness for pet insurance!


Thanks so much for thinking about him! His appointment is scheduled for tomorrow--and luckily, the neighbor lady is a vet tech at the clinic, so he will hang with her all day, and she will bring him home tomorrow night.


I will be sure to let everyone know what happens!

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Guest andrealynch

Update: On Wednesday, I dropped Bacardi off at the hospital in the morning. Luckily, my next door neighbor works there full time, so she was there all day with him. Since he didn't come out of surgery until 4pm, and I work till 9 on Wednesdays, he stayed at the hospital with my friend until she got off of work, and then kept him until I got home.


Let me tell you--he is like a new man! All eating and happy again! Today, he was even snapping the air when I got home from work, wanting to go out for a walk~! He's clearly back to his old self. :yay


Now, does anyone have experience with Oral Vaccines? They said it is a shot that they give your dog basically once a year, and it keeps bacteria and tartar from building up.


I'd love to hear what you think about this!



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