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Limping Again

Guest WYOwhy

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Guest WYOwhy

Avery's biannual limp is back. I hate this. Every time he limps I get all worried and nervous. We go to the vet, nothing is wrong beyond the same old track injury and/or sore neck. One week later he is back to normal. And yet, I can't not take him to the vet. What if it turns out to be something?


This time the limp is focused on his left front leg. (The infamous and invisible track injury is right rear ankle.) Our vet appointment is at 3:30.


Happy thoughts, white light, and prayers for nothing major are much appreciated. I'll let you know what we find. Thanks!

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Of course you have our thoughts and prayers. In answer to your question, what if it is something...


You will take care of your baby, because he needs you and we are all here for you.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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I'm right there with you. Suze's limp is "whenever". If she runs, she limps for a couple of days then it goes away. Then out of nowhere, it's back, for no reason. I have had her three years on May 6 and she has been examined no less than 6 times and had every bone in her body x-rayed last year. I'm calling now for a referral to an orthopedic specialist. My gut churns and my heart skips a beat just thinking about the "what ifs" but I have to know even though I don't want to know.

I hope Avery's limp is another garden variety mystery limp - just an old track injury.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest WYOwhy

Thanks for the good wishes, thoughts, and prayers.


Avery's limp continues to be undiagnosable. My vet is wonderful and carefully checked every inch of him. Nothing appears to be wrong. Full range of motion; pads and toes are all fine; no lumps or bumps; no swelling; lungs sound great; heartbeat is perfect; temperature is normal. We went back and looked at the x-rays of all four legs from this fall when Avery was limping - there is nothing to see on any of them - and decided not to x-ray again at this point. The vet prescribed Deramax (sp?) due to Avery's past success on it and we're cutting back on the frequency and duration of our walks. If he keeps limping, we'll go back in 5-7 days.


Is it possible he is faking? He is just as happy as usual. I hate limps... they give me lots of undue worry.

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Guest team_weasel

We had a foster who limped when being walked. Had him checked over, x-rayed, everything came back normal. He was adopted and has been on glucosamine for about 2 months -- no more limping or favouring that leg :dunno ... so hopefully that has done the trick. Is Avery on glucosamine?

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Guest WYOwhy
We had a foster who limped when being walked. Had him checked over, x-rayed, everything came back normal. He was adopted and has been on glucosamine for about 2 months -- no more limping or favouring that leg :dunno ... so hopefully that has done the trick. Is Avery on glucosamine?


Yes, Avery is on glucosamine. It seems to help in general, but about every 6 months this darn limp resurfaces for a week or so and then disappears again. I've attributed it to the change in weather as it tends to be a spring/fall limp, but that still doesn't keep me from worrying every time he starts doing it.


I think it is especially maddening because in between limps he is fit as a fiddle and when the limp hits it is sudden and obvious. Reminds me of my bridge-boy's Osteo-limp, the way it appears suddenly and for no apparent reason. Maybe that is why it freaks me out so much. My Salvador started his limp on May 6th 2005 and was gone for the bridge on May 11th. I've never quite got over how fast it all happened. One day he was perfectly healthy and happy and six days later he was gone. I'll go mad if Avery does that to me. (And there I go borrowing trouble.)


Meanwhile, Avery's limp is already less pronounced today than it was yesterday. What is it about deramax that works like a miracle? Would a baby aspirin have the same effect with less concerns about strong medication?

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Guest 4baddogs

I sometimes feel like I run to the vet with every little thing, as well. But I've learned that I would rather be safe than sorry.



Hoping that Avery's limp is nothing serious.


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Hoping that Avery's limp continues to lessen, and just goes away as quick as it appeared. Stop scaring your Momma Avery!

Edited by tydyelady

Mom to Toley (Astascocita Toley) DOB 1/12/09, and Bridge Angel Opie (Wine Sips Away) 3/14/03-12/29/12

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