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Pack Behavior

Guest myjazzy

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Guest manymanyhounds

I'm so sorry this happened to you! We had a seizure dog for 4 years and experienced both sides. Buddy was our "alert" dog and would let us know when Dancer was seizing. Having 7 dogs at the time, only one dog was aggressive during Dancer's seizures. Because of that, Banjo was always muzzled when we were not home.


At night Banjo would sleep with us in our room with the door shut and Dancer would sleep downstairs. When Dancer had a seizure we would go downstairs after being alerted (if we didn't hear it already) by Buddy and we would shut Banjo in the bedroom.


We lost Dancer last July. The epilepsy was always a struggle trying to get the meds right, etc. but I wouldn't trade a day we had with him. He was a great dog. :wub:


Hugs to Cafe!



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Guest shanozdog

My Whippet Gino has Epilepsy and I also have two greys. Though we pretty much have the grand mal seizures under control, my male grey Sam would not make the effort to get off his bed in the middle of the night to to see what was going on. I was concerned when we got our female Rocca since she is younger and is the queen of the pack. But, no problems. Gino has his seizures at night (never seen him have them during the day), we usually know when he is going to have one since he sleeps on the bed.

When Rocca first came to us a initially as a foster almost two years ago, she was interested when Gino had a seizure for about a second, but she now know ice cream and other food is on the way and runs to the kitchen before the seizure ends. After years of diet changes and medication adjustment, we are fortunate to have his seizures under control and seizures of any kind are very infrequent.

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Guest myjazzy

Well, Cafe got up and came over when she heard food preparation noises, and was with the others waiting for her food. She cleaned her bowl and then went around making sure everyone else's bowl was clean. You never know when somebody might leave a crumb or two.


She's not oozing as much and the liquid is getting clearer. I think the challenge now is to get her to leave her bobos alone, because she's started trying to lick her wounds. I don't really want to but from now on I'll probably have to put a muzzle on her when I can't watch her.


ETA: I just gave her her first dose of phenobarbital.

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Guest EmilyAnne

I just want to let you know that Phenobarbital has helped Henry tremendously. It is the only anti seizure drug he is on currently. He went from averaging a Grand-Mal every 8 days to every 3 months instead. :) He had severe side effects at first, but now you cant tell! At the moment, he is romping around the living room 'throwing' his tennis ball and then catching it. :lol

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No advice, but I'm really sorry you're dealing with this.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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