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Breathing Problems


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Poor Charlie fell off the couch a couple of weeks ago and injured his neck. No broken bones, fortunately - apparently, just a sprain. Ever since then, when I take him for a walk, after just a short distance, he starts panting and wheezing. When we get home, he's done for the rest of the day. He's eating just fine. Could the fall have caused a breathing problem that the xrays didn't catch? Should I try using a harness so there's no pressure on his neck? He's twelve and in great shape, otherwise. Suggestions, please!


Charlie's mom

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Guest ss556

My Alan, who is 11.5 yrs. old has occasional breathing issues (raspy breathing) when out walking. He pants and breathes hard that someone asked me if he has asthma. I was told it could be laryngeal paralysis - they can get this as they get older. That wouldn't show on the xrays. I hope you find an answer to what Charlie has.

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Guest AndyUK

From my limited knowlege (but I'm learning fast), it sounds like laryngeal paralysis. As Burpdog says - take him back to the vet.

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