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Good Thoughts For Silver Please

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Guest oldNELLIE
What good news!

In my experience, Nellies poops stayed bloody for a little while, but they slowly started to have more shape. Also, if you are feeling like Silver is not drinking, add a little low-sodium chicken broth to the water (I do like 25% broth), or put some broth and water in with food. And don't forget that he might be a little enimic, so don't let him get too crazy :)


I haven't heard a dx yet, but if it's gastro intestional (like HGE)it might be a good idea to keep him on the special food for a week or so without anything additional. Meaning skip the broth and just add water. What food did you vet give you?


So glad he's feeling better! Don't be alarmed if you see 'black stuff' in his bowel movements. It's digested blood from his illness.


This is a good point, I didn't consider if Silver was on a special diet. With Nellie we were just feeding her a "bland" diet of ground meat and rice after a couple of days of the Hill's I/D.

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So glad Silver is feeling more like himself again! Dogs are amazing sometimes - they can rebound so quickly after scaring us half to death! Hope this is the end of it for you and Silver. Sending hugs for a complete recovery. :grouphug

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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What good news!

In my experience, Nellies poops stayed bloody for a little while, but they slowly started to have more shape. Also, if you are feeling like Silver is not drinking, add a little low-sodium chicken broth to the water (I do like 25% broth), or put some broth and water in with food. And don't forget that he might be a little enimic, so don't let him get too crazy :)


I haven't heard a dx yet, but if it's gastro intestional (like HGE)it might be a good idea to keep him on the special food for a week or so without anything additional. Meaning skip the broth and just add water. What food did you vet give you?


So glad he's feeling better! Don't be alarmed if you see 'black stuff' in his bowel movements. It's digested blood from his illness.


This is a good point, I didn't consider if Silver was on a special diet. With Nellie we were just feeding her a "bland" diet of ground meat and rice after a couple of days of the Hill's I/D.


I still haven't seen a poop yet (vet said the meds may "bind" him a bit, especially after not eating for a day) but I should see one tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up on still seeing some blood/black stuff for awhile.


Currently he is eating Hill's i/d. I have about 4 days worth left. I guess when we see how "things" look I'll call the vet and see what I should do when Hill's food is gone. I would imagine I give him his normal food gradually.


The doctor never gave me a dx. She said (assuming he gets better with meds/diet) that it was probably a virus or bacterial infection. Should I look for a more specific dx for any reason? He is a dog with mild anxiety issues (they were bad when we moved and our other grey died within weeks of each other but he is better now. That was 2 years ago.) but nothing happened recently that would make me think this episode was stress related. We are painting the laundry room which is where he eats and his crate is (which he doesn't use anymore) so it has been a mess and the dogs have to eat other places right now - hopefully that isn't something that would have sent him over the edge!


Kim, Silver and Holly


<p>Kim and the hound - Rumor
Missing my angels Marlow, Silver, Holly and Lucky

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Guest BoogieDown

I'm so glad Silver is perking up. I hope he is back to his normal self in no time.


I didn't get a specific diagnosis with Boogie's issues, either, and for now, we are practising what my vet calls "benign neglect." In other words, he's doing well now, so we'll see what the future holds. After spending $1000 last week, I'm willling to wait to see how he does. Now, I'm not saying he's not worth spending money on - fortunately, we've never had to make those choices - but as long as he's happy and pain free, we're OK with doing it this way.


The only other steps I took were to make sure that we are discontinuing the meds and bland diet in phases. First we went off the antibiotic, and see how he did, then discontinued the sucralfate, etc... I wanted to see if there were any changes before stopping something else.


Feel better, Silver!

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Guest SoulsMom

Well, when Soul went through it my vet did extensive bloodwork and fecal exam to rule everything out. Once he tested for everything he could, Soul got the catch all HGE dx. No known cause, so Soul went on the Hills I/D for a month. He relapsed two months later after I started transistioning him back to regular kibble. So for him we're 99% sure the cause was dietary. Just something to think about going forward . . . .

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Well, when Soul went through it my vet did extensive bloodwork and fecal exam to rule everything out. Once he tested for everything he could, Soul got the catch all HGE dx. No known cause, so Soul went on the Hills I/D for a month. He relapsed two months later after I started transistioning him back to regular kibble. So for him we're 99% sure the cause was dietary. Just something to think about going forward . . . .


Thanks! I will keep this in mind as we move forward. Had he been eating the same food for a long time and then develop a problem or had you introduced something new?



<p>Kim and the hound - Rumor
Missing my angels Marlow, Silver, Holly and Lucky

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Guest SoulsMom

His diet was pretty consistent, with only a few add in treats here and there, so it had been 'brewing' for some time.


We think he needs more fiber in his diet. For now, he's still on the I/D until he finishes a round of treatment for his lupus (unrelated issue). When that is done I'm going to try switching him to a different kibble, but adding in more fiber.


Oh and my vet now insists that I always keep a round of Flagyl on hand, just in case.


PS-in hindsight, two signs that he was building up to an 'episode' were a gurgly tummy and eating grass

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