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Hello From Pa

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Hey everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Jason, my wife is Kelly, and our daughter is Madison. we have had greyhounds for 9 years and love them so much. We are from Western PA.


Blast is our current Grey

His brother Bullet just passed


Will have a gallery up when I can.

Edited by knightfal
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Guest PhillyPups

Jason, Kelly, Madison & Blast,


Welcome from your boys brother's mother. :wave:wave


What a stunning litter the Red Tigers are.


Here is my favorite picture of Red TigerPower who is racing in the clouds with Bullett.




Again, hi and welcome from Philly :wave

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Thanks everyone, I'm glad I found Greytalk.




Pat, Thanks for the warm welcome. And yes all of our Red Tigers are stunning aren't they. I like that picture of your TigerPower, looks like he has a curly Q tail like my Blast.

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Guest coastersbysteve

Hello and welcome to Greytalk. Carnegie, PA here. Home of Red Tiger Jazz:


Jazz has been with us since 12-29-2003. He was also a special needs boy (aggressive to all other dogs, including greyhounds when he came home). However after several years he now has housemates - a brood mama, Nightie (Greys Nightmare) and a younger retired racer, Raker.

Considering the circumstances from your other thread, Jazz is so very happy knowing that his brothers are so very loved. It is nice to now know where all of the brothers from that litter are. Hope to hear more about your boys.

Thanks for joining us.


-Steve, Lisa, Jazz, Nightie, Raker

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Hi and Welcome from former Pennsylvania person!!!! :wave Your dogs are Gorgeous, love the pictures. :wub: I am so sorry about Bullet!!!! :grouphug

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Hello and welcome to Greytalk. Carnegie, PA here. Home of Red Tiger Jazz:


Jazz has been with us since 12-29-2003. He was also a special needs boy (aggressive to all other dogs, including greyhounds when he came home). However after several years he now has housemates - a brood mama, Nightie (Greys Nightmare) and a younger retired racer, Raker.

Considering the circumstances from your other thread, Jazz is so very happy knowing that his brothers are so very loved. It is nice to now know where all of the brothers from that litter are. Hope to hear more about your boys.

Thanks for joining us.


-Steve, Lisa, Jazz, Nightie, Raker




I'm so glad Jazz is happy and living with other Greys.... You have a nice family of pups there! Since Jazz is from the same litter you should know that both Bullet and Blast suddenly lost use of their back legs. Blast dropped 3 days before xmas but was able to stand within 12hrs, recovered fully with in 3 weeks with high doses of steroids, and as you have read Bullet didn't. I think ruptured discs are running in our family. Other than that they were/are healthy. Bullet was the alpha, usually pretty laid back and lazy. Blast is the total opposite, hes fully of energy and kinda hyper. Bullet would walk right next to you on the leash while blast is trying to rip your arm off. Totally opposite personalities that were best buddies.

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Guest RedTigerJazz

Welcome Jason, Kelly & Madison! :wave I was so happy last night when Steve told me that he'd found two more of Jazz's brothers. Of course that happiness passed pretty quickly when he told me about the circumstances that led him to you. :(


Thank you for the update about the hind end issues that your boys have had. Osteo took beautiful TigerPower and Billy has seizures. Red (Red Tiger Winner) is generally pretty healthy. And Jazz has been pretty healthy as well considering that he's almost 11 years old. He's a bit overweight & has a touch of arthritis, but is otherwise in pretty good shape.


Your boys are beautiful and obviously well loved. Please track down our contact info on our website (listed above my siggy) and get in touch. We'd love to meet you and Blast.



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