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Question About Metronidazole (flagyl)

Guest houndlover

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Guest houndlover

The vet started Billy on metronidazole (flagyl) on Monday nite b/c she suspected a bacterial infection and he still has diarrhea. Do the meds usually take this long to kick in? He does seem to be eating better and he is no longer vomiting. I did call the vet today to update her on Billy and she is out with the flu. :( He is on a bland rx diet. Is there anything else that I can do to help with the diarrhea?

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Guest houndlover

Thanks for the advice. I did leave a message for the vet. I have no idea when she will be back in the office. I heard that the stomach bug was terrible this year. When I talk to her I will ask her if there is something else he can be put on, maybe the Tylan Powder like Joanne is using.

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We have one that has been going through bouts of diarrhea since mid Dec. Blood work is fine and fecal check is fine. He gets a bland diet until things would firm up and we would start slowly transistioning to kibble and "wham" the big 'd' would come back. He was on the metronidazole for 10 days as well.


There has been one thing that has helped firm things. Grits. Ok-Southerners stop smiling. My postal carrier recommended it because it worked for his kids. So we figured why not. We cooked some up and mixed some with yogart. After two meals his stool looked much better. He is now on kibble and he gets an occassional grit treat. We made up some grits spread them in a pan and once congealed we sliced into treats. He loves them. (Of course he is Southern.)

Mom to Bella, Trinity, Cricket, DB, Dabber and Sidewinder
As well as Gizmo, Miles, Pumba, Leo, Toby, Sugar, Smokey, Molly, Jasmine, Axel, Billy, Maggie-Mae, Duncan, Sam (MH King 2019), Bambi, Stella, Bay and "Gerty the cat" at the Bridge

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Guest LindsaySF

I would have suspected improvement by now too.


You can try tylan powder or another antibiotic. If they suspect worms (fecals can be negative and still have worms) do a few rounds of Panacur.


Good luck Billy!


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There has been one thing that has helped firm things. Grits. Ok-Southerners stop smiling. My postal carrier recommended it because it worked for his kids. So we figured why not. We cooked some up and mixed some with yogart. After two meals his stool looked much better. He is now on kibble and he gets an occassional grit treat. We made up some grits spread them in a pan and once congealed we sliced into treats. He loves them. (Of course he is Southern.)



Oatmeal also helps to firm up. I usually get results by the next day if I feed the in the morning with either hamburger or eggs.

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Guest KennelMom

As others have said, you should see improvement by now. Add ins that people recommend are usually just an additional fiber source...pick one that is neutral for the tummy or opt for something like metamucil (my personal choice if I wasn't sure what would/wouldn't further upset their tummy). Grits really have little nutritional value and not much fiber...I can't see how or why they would work. Oatmeal would be a better choice between the two if you wanted to add fiber. I'll have to give grits a try some time....I've never heard that before and now I'm curious to see if it works.

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We gave Fluffy arrowroot powder when she had the big D. it slows the gut down and binds its contents too.


Our vet was OK with the suggestion and recalled as a child being given castor oil to make him go and arrowroot biscuits to firm things up again.


btw fluffy's D was for a long time the only symptom she had of hyperthyroid. when diagnosed and started on tablets it cleared up in about 36 hours. we ended up with the arrowroot because she couldnt take the tablets and the big D came back.

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Guest houndlover
I would have suspected improvement by now too.


You can try tylan powder or another antibiotic. If they suspect worms (fecals can be negative and still have worms) do a few rounds of Panacur.


Good luck Billy!



I actually had thought about giving him some panacur. We went through this same thing with diarrhea back in the fall and even though his fecal was negative I did do a round of panacur.


I might try some oatmeal in his kibble tomorrow and see how that works. That is a good suggestion that I hadn't though of.


We gave Fluffy arrowroot powder when she had the big D. it slows the gut down and binds its contents too.


Our vet was OK with the suggestion and recalled as a child being given castor oil to make him go and arrowroot biscuits to firm things up again.


btw fluffy's D was for a long time the only symptom she had of hyperthyroid. when diagnosed and started on tablets it cleared up in about 36 hours. we ended up with the arrowroot because she couldnt take the tablets and the big D came back.


I didn't realize that thryoid problems could cause diarrhea. That's interesting info though. Billy is on soloxine b/c he has had thyroid problems for years. Maybe he need to have his levels checked again.

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I didn't realize that thryoid problems could cause diarrhea. That's interesting info though. Billy is on soloxine b/c he has had thyroid problems for years. Maybe he need to have his levels checked again.


it's not a very common at all symptom - which is probably why my pet chose to have that as the only symptom :lol


hope you get some improvements soon

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Guest greyladydown
I didn't realize that thryoid problems could cause diarrhea. That's interesting info though. Billy is on soloxine b/c he has had thyroid problems for years. Maybe he need to have his levels checked again.


it's not a very common at all symptom - which is probably why my pet chose to have that as the only symptom :lol


hope you get some improvements soon


Diarrhea is often a symptom of hyper (not hypo) thyroid, and often comes when the dosage of soloxine is too high.

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Pure pumpkin mixed into boiled skinless/boneless chicken and white rice should help. It has helped my dogs with the D. I also keep on hand Blue Heron which I get from Marina at Natural Rearing out of Oregon www.naturalrearing.com. It has really helped for the D. Do you have a holistic vet in your area that might be open? That vet might have something in stock to help right away.



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Guest slade

I've put Slade on a no corn dog food and put pumpkin in his food. It did help some so I tried the metamucil. Wrong choice. it put him back to pure liquid d. I'll try the oatmeal tho that sounds like a good idea.

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