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New From Colorado

Guest dsszarzi

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Guest dsszarzi

We are relatively new to GreyTalk. I have replied to a few posts and started a couple of new topics, but I have never introduced my hounds. So here goes. Warning! This is long.






His race name was SNM Speed Racer. We also called him Franky, Franko, Frankenstein, and Tiny Dancer. Frank was our first Greyhound. On August 15, 2004 we went to look at some available hounds and he picked us right away. Three days later he came home with us. Frank came straight from the track so he had never been in a home. He had to get used to the stairs, hardwood floors, and the couch (no problem there). He just ate up our love! But...Frank suffered horribly from separation anxiety, so we decided to adopt another Greyhound for company. That is when we got Beans. It worked right away--no more separation anxiety. Well...Beans was substantially younger than Frank and wanted to play all the time. Frank loved to play, but Beans was wearing him out. That is when we decided to get Beans a buddy for a Christmas present. We named him Bud. Anyway, that was the final solution. All three would play. When Frank wanted to rest, he let them know because he was the King and he ruled. No problem for Beans and Bud. They had each other to play with. Frank was a sweet and wonderful boy. He rooed, roached, danced, cuddled, and leaned. He also had the most beautiful eyes--Egyptian eyeliner and sooooo soulful. We had Frank for 3-1/2 wonderful years before he went to the Bridge on February 24, 2008. We will never forget Frank, our first Greyhound.






Beans never raced--she was from an oops litter. We also call her Beanie, Beaner, Beanie Baby, Beanie Weenie, Jumping Bean, and Sweet Pea. When the adoption group found out we were looking for a companion for Frank, they told us about her. She was just three months old. We went down to see her and instantly fell in love. She was so adorable and fully of energy. To get a better position to greet us, she jumped on top of her brother and peed on his head. I should have known then that she was an alpha female. There were many people that wanted her, but because we took such good care of Frank, we had first dibs! So...on October 2, 2004 we brought her home. On the ride home I held her in my arms and she went into a "puppy freeze"--her long legs were sticking up in the air. It looked like I was holding a kangaroo. There was no problem from day one. Frank fathered her. He even let her share his bed with him. I remember everyone kept telling me "don't get a puppy--big mistake!" But...they were wrong. We have enjoyed every day she has been with us. I even trained her to sit, stay, and lay. She is a Princess--it's all about her. She requires her loving! Beans gets on the couch and spoons with me every night. She is my little cuddle bug. Beans used to roo with Frank, but now that he is gone; I can't get her to roo anymore. She does roach like the best of them.






Bud never raced because he was too playful. His litter name is McClay. We also call him Buddy, Budward, Budweiser, and Budvar. We gave him a formal name of Buddy McClay Poop-A-Lot. We were interested in him because he was the same age as Beans. On December 15, 2005 we drove to Boulder with Frank and Beans to meet Bud at his foster home. All three hounds got along famously so we brought him home that night. Again no problems from the start. Beans and Bud constantly played. We found that Bud is a gatherer. As soon as I make his bed, he grabs his blanket and proudly carries it around. Whenever someone walks by our fence, he grabs a toy and runs along the fence line. He is a real play boy. Bud is the only one of our hounds that likes to take a dip in the pool. He has such a great disposition; I decided to make him a therapy dog at the local hospital. He will visit patients and make them forget their woes (at least temporarily). He passed both required vet screenings with flying colors. They loved him! He's not in the program yet because he got very sick last October. He is much better now, but my vet wants to wait awhile longer. Bud roaches all the time. If he doesn't roach, I know something is wrong. And...he has a real hard time keeping his tongue in his mouth when he is sleeping.






Bo Boo is a recent addition to our family. Beans and Bud really missed Frank. They just moped around. The adoption group told us that Bud's brother was just relinquished and wanted us to meet him. Me met and took him home on March 8, 2008. He never raced either (again too playful). His litter name is Turbo. So far we also call him Bo, Baby Boy, Boobie, and Bo Baby. The other family said he snapped at their child. It didn't take long for us to determine what he really does is smile and chatter. Very cute! Their loss, our gain. He is very shy and is just starting to come around. It took weeks for him to let us hug him. Now I can even coax him to spoon with me on his bed. He doesn't roach or roo and he freaks when we try to get him on the couch, but he wags his tail a lot and his ears stick straight up? And...he dances for me! He is beginning to play with Bud and Beans. His personality is starting to come out. I think he finally realizes this is his forever home and that we love him. I just wonder what kind of life he had before.


Beans, Bud, and Bo Boo are a wee bit over 4-1/2 years old. They are June babies.


We have found it is hard to just go to look at Greyhounds without bringing one home. They ARE like potato chips! You can't just have one! But...I have to keep telling myself, "Three is the limit!" It is a good number for us.


I will post their pictures on the "Cute And Funny Things Greyhounds Do" Forum.


We are very happy to be a part of GreyTalk. What a wonderful support group!


Sandy and David

Edited by dsszarzi
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Hi from Gainesville, Florida!!

Your pups sound wonderful!!!

And you will love Grey Talk--it's the best!

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Just seen your post. Beautiful babies yougot there... Beans looks pretty big !!!! :)


We are relatively new to GreyTalk. I have replied to a few posts and started a couple of new topics, but I have never introduced my hounds. So here goes. Warning! This is long.






His race name was SNM Speed Racer. We also called him Franky, Franko, Frankenstein, and Tiny Dancer. Frank was our first Greyhound. On August 15, 2004 we went to look at some available hounds and he picked us right away. Three days later he came home with us. Frank came straight from the track so he had never been in a home. He had to get used to the stairs, hardwood floors, and the couch (no problem there). He just ate up our love! But...Frank suffered horribly from separation anxiety, so we decided to adopt another Greyhound for company. That is when we got Beans. It worked right away--no more separation anxiety. Well...Beans was substantially younger than Frank and wanted to play all the time. Frank loved to play, but Beans was wearing him out. That is when we decided to get Beans a buddy for a Christmas present. We named him Bud. Anyway, that was the final solution. All three would play. When Frank wanted to rest, he let them know because he was the King and he ruled. No problem for Beans and Bud. They had each other to play with. Frank was a sweet and wonderful boy. He rooed, roached, danced, cuddled, and leaned. He also had the most beautiful eyes--Egyptian eyeliner and sooooo soulful. We had Frank for 3-1/2 wonderful years before he went to the Bridge on February 24, 2008. We will never forget Frank, our first Greyhound.






Beans never raced--she was from an oops litter. We also call her Beanie, Beaner, Beanie Baby, Beanie Weenie, Jumping Bean, and Sweet Pea. When the adoption group found out we were looking for a companion for Frank, they told us about her. She was just three months old. We went down to see her and instantly fell in love. She was so adorable and fully of energy. To get a better position to greet us, she jumped on top of her brother and peed on his head. I should have known then that she was an alpha female. There were many people that wanted her, but because we took such good care of Frank, we had first dibs! So...on October 2, 2004 we brought her home. On the ride home I held her in my arms and she went into a "puppy freeze"--her long legs were sticking up in the air. It looked like I was holding a kangaroo. There was no problem from day one. Frank fathered her. He even let her share his bed with him. I remember everyone kept telling me "don't get a puppy--big mistake!" But...they were wrong. We have enjoyed every day she has been with us. I even trained her to sit, stay, and lay. She is a Princess--it's all about her. She requires her loving! Beans gets on the couch and spoons with me every night. She is my little cuddle bug. Beans used to roo with Frank, but now that he is gone; I can't get her to roo anymore. She does roach like the best of them.






Bud never raced because he was too playful. His litter name is McClay. We also call him Buddy, Budward, Budweiser, and Budvar. We gave him a formal name of Buddy McClay Poop-A-Lot. We were interested in him because he was the same age as Beans. On December 15, 2005 we drove to Boulder with Frank and Beans to meet Bud at his foster home. All three hounds got along famously so we brought him home that night. Again no problems from the start. Beans and Bud constantly played. We found that Bud is a gatherer. As soon as I make his bed, he grabs his blanket and proudly carries it around. Whenever someone walks by our fence, he grabs a toy and runs along the fence line. He is a real play boy. Bud is the only one of our hounds that likes to take a dip in the pool. He has such a great disposition; I decided to make him a therapy dog at the local hospital. He will visit patients and make them forget their woes (at least temporarily). He passed both required vet screenings with flying colors. They loved him! He's not in the program yet because he got very sick last October. He is much better now, but my vet wants to wait awhile longer. Bud roaches all the time. If he doesn't roach, I know something is wrong. And...he has a real hard time keeping his tongue in his mouth when he is sleeping.






Bo Boo is a recent addition to our family. Beans and Bud really missed Frank. They just moped around. The adoption group told us that Bud's brother was just relinquished and wanted us to meet him. Me met and took him home on March 8, 2008. He never raced either (again too playful). His litter name is Turbo. So far we also call him Bo, Baby Boy, Boobie, and Bo Baby. The other family said he snapped at their child. It didn't take long for us to determine what he really does is smile and chatter. Very cute! Their loss, our gain. He is very shy and is just starting to come around. It took weeks for him to let us hug him. Now I can even coax him to spoon with me on his bed. He doesn't roach or roo and he freaks when we try to get him on the couch, but he wags his tail a lot and his ears stick straight up? And...he dances for me! He is beginning to play with Bud and Beans. His personality is starting to come out. I think he finally realizes this is his forever home and that we love him. I just wonder what kind of life he had before.


Beans, Bud, and Bo Boo are a wee bit over 4-1/2 years old. They are June babies.


We have found it is hard to just go to look at Greyhounds without bringing one home. They ARE like potato chips! You can't just have one! But...I have to keep telling myself, "Three is the limit!" It is a good number for us.


I will post their pictures on the "Cute And Funny Things Greyhounds Do" Forum.


We are very happy to be a part of GreyTalk. What a wonderful support group!


Sandy and David


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