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Henry Got Accidental Double Dose Of Pheno

Guest EmilyAnne

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Guest EmilyAnne
how is henry, out of his fog? does he think he just came home from a grateful dead concert :loldead-show.gif



He was really silly at about 8 pm last night, as if to wonder what the heck happened. He was all spunky, but clumsy at the same time. He went to jump on the twin sized bed, and tumbled right into the wall, stood there confused for a sec, :huh and then stood on the bed looking all proud of himself. :gh_bow:lol



yup...hes fine....:rofl


but for shame...no pics of this? :lol

As he stood on the bed looking like an over sized puppy with his mile long legs as wide apart as he could get them and his silly floppy ears, I was thinking to myself it would have made a very good picture, but Henry has developed a fear of cameras. It started right around when he had his last grand-mal,(Feb. 1st) and has gotten worse, though I kept the flash off. I posted in Training and Behavior about this. I'm hoping lots of treats will help him be OK with the camera again. :)


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