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Lite Had Quite A Scare Today.

Guest Kaquel

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Today on our walk and I came across two trash cans on the sidewalk. It was a busy road so instead of going around I decided we would just go inbetween (there was adequate room). I walked through and Lite decided he was NOT going through there so he froze, then decided to just go around them. Well, the leash caught on one of the trash cans and sent it flying, which sent Lite flying. Luckily, I had a good grip on the leash and he didn't really have a chance at getting lose (PHEW). He panicked for a good 10 seconds before settling. He was pulling like crazy and bucking and jumping like 3 feet in the air and FREAKING OUT. It was like Lite had instantly been switched with a wild deer-it certainly looked like I had put a collar on a black deer! I stayed perfectly calm (...years of working with horses I guess-I'm used to staying calm with panicking animals) until afterwards, and I'm impressed with how I kept my composure. On the rest of the way home Lite was a little jumpy, but otherwise okay. For awhile he gently pulled on the leash, but I think he was anxious to get home and to his "safe" zone. I rewarded him for calming down when he did. When we got home I tossed a few treats near our two trash cans. He was reluctant to take them but eventually got up the courage so hopefully he will not develop an intense fear of trash cans lol.


In the process of leaping through the air Lite scraped up his chin pretty badly. He's a trooper though-I haven't heard a peep out of him since. He also has a few small cuts on his legs. I cleaned them up and he's resting in his crate now-like nothing ever happened. Should I do anything else with him? Antibacterial somethings perhaps? I don't want to put anything on him without checking first. I'm most worried about his chin as it was pretty bloody, but it seems to have stopped bleeding. (I about had a heart attack when I went to give him a treat for staying calm as a spooky truck went by and my hand came back covered in blood.)


I need a nap now.

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Neosporin is fine. You sure he doesn't need stitches?


my dogs didn't t like garbage pails when we first got them so we avoided them. Now, they don't care. I would walk around though, just because they could always blow over into them and have the same problem you did.


Glad it;s not worse than it was.


Hope he is feeling better.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

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Guest SoulsMom

Since he seems to be a bit of a spook, you might think about getting him a harness, or at least be extra careful that he doesn't slip his collar. When they spook like that, hold the leash under the chin-not up-so they can't back out of it.


As for his abrasions, neosporian or bag balm should suffice, as long they don't need to be stitched. And maybe time for an adult beverage for you? :D

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He does have a harness :) He's really not a spook at all-he's normally exceptionally level headed-will scare himself by knocking a cup over and then right away will march right back up to the cup and smell it all by himself. I think it was just a combination of factors that freaked him out-perhaps a little claustrophobia combined with the scary trash can almost falling on him combined with it being a pretty busy road. He was just having an icky day. I've seen "bombproof" horses have similar reactions when overloaeded with scary things.


And I'm pretty sure he doesn't need stitches. I'm looking at it now and it looks just like when a child skins his knee. The bleeding stopped hours ago and it mostly just looks ouchy now.


Thanks guys-I'll put some Neosporin on it later.

Edited by Kaquel
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Poor baby! I agree....harness. :grouphug


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Thank goodness Lite made it through the horrible trash can monsters with only a skinned chin!

Hey Lite, my man! Just ignore those trash monsters! Sending calming and healing thoughts.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Glad you are both ok. This is a good example of the value of teaching the command "through". Many of the dogs in Mickey's therapy dog class had problems with that one. The trainer suggested lining up two rows of 2 or 3 chairs. You can start with them far apart and narrow it down as the dog gets comfortable. When you give the command you want the dog to walk ahead of you through the chairs so he can't turn around or back out. It's easier using a leash. If you don't have someone to call to the dog from the other end you can toss a treat to the other end...in front of the dog. I was amazed at how many dogs put on the brakes and would not go through! As the dog gets comfortable you narrow the opening and put noise making items (pots/pans) on the chairs so that they will fall against each other or onto the floor when you bump into the chair on the way through. A dog used to this should not freak when the garbage can falls over or a bedpan gets knocked to the floor in a nursing home.

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