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Night Terrors?

Guest Keevabat

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Guest Keevabat

This morning at 4am was the second morning in a row my 2yr old little greyhound woke us up screaming. The first time it happened we were sure something horrible had happened during the night. She just kept screaming. :eek When she finally stopped screaming and we could not find anything noticeably wrong with her, she stretched and rolled on to her back and went to sleep like nothing had happened. When it happened again last night we called her name and snapped our fingers and it seemed to end the episode faster and once again when it was done our little girl rolled onto her back and went right to sleep.


Has anyone else had this happened with one of their greyhounds? I am unsure if a vet visit is called for since my greyhound is fine at all other times and is not exhibiting any other signs of an illness.


Thanks in advance for any advice.


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Lottie doesn't scream but she's not a screaming kinda gal. No, she growls, really, really scary growls. Like she's gonna attack something and tear it to shreds. Same as your girly though, if you snap her out of it by calling her name she just turns over and goes back to sleep. I just assume it's particularly vivid dream.

I used to think Dara O'Briain was funny. Now I know better.

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Guest arlosmom

Mine, growl, and sometimes it sounds like there crying or sobbing. But also with calling their name the seem to quite down. I am convinced it is bad dreams.

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One of mine does 'odd' things in the night. A couple of times he would go to a window and growl fiercely and act like someone was out there! Scared us! Now I swear he walks in his sleep. He'll walk around and have a certain look about him and acts like he's lost. Once he went to the back door, we let him out, he came back in and promptly went to the dining room and peed on the floor. We try to wake him up now when we see that 'look' and his odd wandering. I tried to look up information about it, but found nothing that said animals can walk in their sleep - but I sure think Buster does!


My other one, Phoenix, will whimper and move and I just talk to him and touch him and he stops and sleeps peacefully again.

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Every now and again, we'll get the GSOD out of some pup that's managed to get a paw tangled up in a fleece spread or something, and once the ol' blood pressure comes back from the stratospheric range they just go back to sleeping like nothing happened.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest SusanP

If this pup *is* crying out due to muscle spasms, it there something that could be causing her to have so many lately? Would it be a dietary thing or time for a vet check?


I'm clueless here but following this thread in hopes of learning. And I hate to hear about a houndie hurting..

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Guest Greytluv

My Doni Rae with come up barking and growling like she's attacking something. We just tell her to go back to sleep and she settles right down.

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Guest zoolaine

Zali sometimes cries in her sleep. She usually doesn't even seem to notice but it's enough to wake me up. She actually did it last night, made me turn the light on to make sure she was ok. I just got the "what?" look and yeah back to sleep she went.

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Guest koko9281

Mine is having a bad dream as I type. He's growling and he's twitching.


When it gets a bit too intense, I'll gently wake him. He'll pass out again soon after.

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If this pup *is* crying out due to muscle spasms, it there something that could be causing her to have so many lately? Would it be a dietary thing or time for a vet check?


I'm clueless here but following this thread in hopes of learning. And I hate to hear about a houndie hurting..


Good question. Maybe if she *is* having muscle cramps it's because she's cold? I know that when my feet get too cold, they cramp and THAT makes me want to scream the GSOD!


My boys run, bark, growl, roo, 'cry', woof softly, whine and have screamed suddenly during the night - and absolutely nothing is PHYSICALLY wrong with them (though, I can't guarantee that there's nothing MENTALLY wrong with them - crazy knuckleheads!).

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