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Winter Paw Damage

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This is my first winter with a dog, and we're full of snow, ice, and salt already. This morning I noticed that Beth has a little wound by each of her rear paw pads (not on the black part, but sort of right beside it -- I would have liked to examine them more closely but she wasn't crazy about having them probed). And her large pads are showing cracks. I put some Neosporin on the wounds, and bought some Bag Balm to rub into her pads after reading it recommended several places online.


I'm looking for guidance from more experienced folks. I guess I should get her boots -- what kind do you most recommend? But I take her out on leash generally five times in the course of a day, and I can't see putting on boots for every single quick potty outing. What other measures should I be taking? I guess I should be washing off her paws after every time outside? Are there other products that you recommend / have used successfully?


Poor girl -- I feel terrible that I've been hurting her. Although she was jumping around playing on leash in the snow this morning so I guess she can't be feeling too bad. Now I feel torn between wanting to keep up her exercise as much as possible in this cold weather and wanting to protect her feetsies.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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I just had a similar problem. 3 weeks ago, first snow, and a sunny day. Took the pups all to the ballfield for a run. In the car on the way home, I'm shocked to see Bizzy's neck had blood on it. Poor Nova had bloody feet, which we didn't notice until we got her out of the back of the SUV. I can only assume the snow had a hard crust on it from the sun partially melting it, and the cold air freezing it.


Any way, every single time Nova went outside after that, her feet bleed (front only) The injuries are right at the hairline, but still part of that last pad. It looks like someone got a miniature grinder, and just ground off a bit. No cut or slice..just an open sore spot.


I tried bandages, even taped my socks to her legs to go outside. Nothing worked. I finally got smart enough and ordered a set of Muttluks for her. These boots are awesome! Within one day I could see the healing, and now there is just a teensy tiny spot left. She walked like a hackney pony the first few times, but the directions say to use them outside, not to try them inside at first - they were right. To walk to the door she high stepped, but once outside, she was bouncing around, tail wagging. A happy girl to say the least. Now after a week, she lifts her foot for me to take them off. Stands pretty well to get them on too. They're even fleece lined so those lil toesies stay warm. I'll be afraid to let her out without them.


I don't have a fenced yard, so yep, it's boots on her, boots on me, coat on her, snood on her, coat on Bizzy, coat on me, mittens on me...and finallyyyyy we go outside. It's worth it. We do this routine 6-8 times day


I don't use them on her back feet, we don't have any problem there. I am SO glad I got these boots for her.


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Thanks for the recommendation. Beth's "spots" are on her back feet. I've been using the Bag Balm and kept her off pavement yesterday, and things seem better today. I realized I should try to avoid walking in the street, which probably has a lot more salt on it than an average sidewalk, especially when the slush is wet.


I also ordered a product called "Musher's Friend" that I found recommended online -- it's another sort of wax that's supposed to form a kind of barrier between their paws and the elements (yet their pads can still sweat through it), and lasts several days. I figure I'll give that a try first, then order boots if it seems she still needs more protection. Anyone ever use it?

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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If you need them in the future (hopefully not!) I got them at Pet Street Mall and right now they're on sale for $38.99. Shipping is free if you have a $50 order, so I just got Nova a toy to hit the $50, and we're both happy.


Get Muttluks here




Is it spring yet???

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I haven't examined Muttlucks for a couple of years, and I know there are several styles, but the last pair I purchased had an inside seam that rubbed Nikki's paw raw on the top. I now use TheraPaw boots for Suze who has the mystery limp and Anna who has a cute little twisting motion with her right rear foot that has actually ground/shredded the nails down to the quick. Sizing can be a bit tricky from what I remember - Suze measured a size T/E but I ended up purchasing a second boot in size T/D which fit much better.

Never used Mushers Friend, but have read positive things about it.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Darn, Beth's paws bled again today after I took her for a little run in the snow -- I guess it is the snow crust, not the salt, especially since I don't think the bleeding part really touches the ground on a flat surface. Guess I'd better order some kind of boots asap!

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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I got Nova the medium size. They're the fleece lined ones, and we've not had a problem, and she's run around like a nut in them, jumped, walked and went through fairly deep snow.


She's even learning to "shake", she started to offer her foot just yesterday to get them off, so I now say shake before she offers it, so she'll learn to do it on command. cute little "side effect" of needing them.


Hope your pooches feet heal quickly. I know it's nerve wracking, I was getting frantic over it. They ship quickly.

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