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Irritated Eyes

Guest bigorangedog

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Guest bigorangedog

Hey all,

Crisco, my 13-y-o heart boy, has something going on with his eyes. Starting the night before last, he started acting like they were bothering him....keeping them closed more of the time, occasionally rubbing his face on the couch cushions to scratch his eyes. I put in artificial tears (for vet use) a few times yesterday but it doesn't seem to be helping.


This AM his eyes seemed worse, and he mostly keeps them closed, but can keep them open wide when he has to (to walk around outside or when he suspects I may be getting him a snack). When he's just looking around from the couch, they are droopy-lidded and the inner membrane covers a big portion of the eye. When I pull back the lids, his eyes are red but not outrageously red. They're not terribly runny or anything either. Just seems like it is uncomfortable to keep them open.


Today I started putting in some Neo/Poly/Bac ointment, but just since this afternoon. We have a vet appt in the morning, but thought I would see if anyone here had any ideas about what might be causing this. He is otherwise acting normal. Maybe a little more inactive than usual, but if my eyes hurt I would be too I guess. Nothing has changed with his environment or diet.





(p.s. I'm not the newbie that my avatar suggests....I was just away from the board for a few months and my membership got erased, so I had to start over w/ a new one. I'm Minnesota Greyhound Rescue director and BigOrangeDog Designs.)

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I don't have any brilliant ideas, but I would have him seen by a veterinary ophthalmologist. I can recommend a great one in the Twin Cities if you're near here. :)

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest bigorangedog
I don't have any brilliant ideas, but I would have him seen by a veterinary ophthalmologist. I can recommend a great one in the Twin Cities if you're near here. :)


I am! (In Inver Grove Hgts) That would be great, if you wouldn't mind. Thanks!



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Dr. Connie Sillerud.

Companion Animal Eye Clinic

4708 Hwy 55

Golden Valley, MN 55422


She's fantastic. I've taken several of my hounds to her for various eye problems. You don't need a referral either. :) Her office is the same building as the Emergency Clinic, if you know where that is...


It's a hike from Inver Grove, but she's worth the trip. BTW, I think I've met your hubby at Pet Expo a while back, when you guys were fostering DeVon's George. You were away when I stopped by your booth... :)

Edited by ZoomDoggy

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest bigorangedog

Kari -- No! I didn't get a message from you... Where'd you send it? Try greyhoundmama@earthlink.net



Update: Went to the vet this AM. He has the doggie version of 'pink eye.' Basically a bacterial infection. They were actually a little better this AM when he woke up. I had started doing Neo-Poly-Bac ointment yesterday, and apparently that was the right thing to do. So we have another week of that. She tested his tear ducts and looked at his corneas, etc., and everything was normal. So hopefully we are fine!




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