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Spartacus Is Limping

Guest jhev1

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Hi everyone,


Spartacus has been limping off and on for a while now. Sometimes when he would eat, it would be on three legs, for a few seconds. Then sometimes while doing his business, three legs. We brought him to the vet, they checked him out and said to rest him for a while. We did that, the limp would appear then disappear. Some time goes by, couple of weeks, still limping, we go for an xray. Xray comes back negative. The vet says it could be soft tissue, just continue with the rest and see how it goes. More rest, more of the same. We go back for a blood workup, everything is normal except for kindney function, which was .1 above normal, but she wasn't concerned at that time about it. It's not a a corn by the way, we have them check extensively, I even printed out the article about how to hull a corn. It's not erlichia (sp) test was negative. Nor is it lyme or anything else common.


We have an appointment to see an orthopedic specialist on 11/17, the earliest available. In the meantime he is on previcox. He was given 10 days worth 12 days ago and did a little better on it. Does anyone have any ideas? I know a limp is a vauge sympton, but I just want my boy better.



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Could it be a disc or neck injury?


I feel your pain, I went through an unidentifiable limp with Avery. My vet thought it might be a disc or neck thing. When he manipulated Avery's head to turn far left Avery yipped, and so the vet recommended switching to a harness and seasonally taking glycoflex. Both have helped tremendously. Avery still suffers an occasional limp from an old track injury, but the big scary rotating limp is resolved.


Good luck. I hope your boy feels better soon!

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Guest argolola

I will pray for your sweet boy.


We went through this with Lola for over a year. She was on Rimadyl for about 8 months. No one could figure it out, but we finally determined it was from walking on rough pavement and rough ground.


We put baby socks on her (TheraPaws are supposed to be good.) Once she got back on smooth surfaces only, she quit limping totally.


Please keep us posted.

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where did you do the TBD panel at and which TBDs did you check for? They can often test negative for erlichia and still respond to doxy.


Since the xrays were negative, do you have a certified chiropractor or acupuncture vet close?


The TBD panel was done at my vet's office. I will have a full list of what was checked early next week. Before I see a chiropractor or acupuncture vet, I'll wait and see what the orthpedic has to say. If he doesn't have any answers, I look for those.


As far as walking on hard surfaces, our house is carpeted, he only walks on feet on the front walk, across the driveway, then on grass in back to do business. He has not been on a walk in quite some time, so I don't think that would still be bothering him.

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Totally feel your frustration. Beginning last March, we went through the X rays, exercise restrictions, etc. for weeks when Emmet was limping. Then one afternoon I got out a flashlight and really examined the pads of his front foot. Sure enough, barely visible, was a corn. When I pointed it out to the vet, she put a little oil on it and it showed up more clearly.


The thing was tiny but disabling. He couldn't walk on pavement. He couldn't put any weight on his foot on any hard surfaces in the house. It was sad to watch this happy boy--just four years old--limp around with his head down.


Now the vet Dremmels it every two months and we use Dr. Scholl's and soaking. She's recommending Burt's Bees Hand Salve. The corn has worked its way to the surface and is more manageable. Thankfully it's just one corn on one pad.


Thera-paws might help with the pain of walking if it's a corn or seed wart or something on the surface of the pad. Good luck!

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I am so sorry, I know you are Spart have been battling this for some time now. Have you started to keep a journal regarding the limp?


It is times like this when I so wish they would just open those mouths and let us know what the problem is.


See you Sunday, kisses for sweet Spartacus.

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Guest LindsaySF

Sorry to hear this. I think x-rays and the orthopedic specialist is a good idea.


Does he have any other symptoms of TBD's? Even if he tests negative you might try some Doxy to see if it relieves his symptoms.


Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, funny, I remember posting that it wasn't a corn. I remember my regular vet telling me it wasn't a corn even though it looked suspiciously like the one in the print out I brought, only smaller. I also remember them saying that even if it was a corn, it was far too small to cause any discomfort, even though I know a pinprick in the pad can cause discomfort. Believe it or not I even remember that a corn was one of the first things I suggested months ago when this all started, before I paid for numerous office visits, x-rays and blood work. Almost every visit I said, "Look at this pad, is that normal? You can see where this is going.


The orthopedic specialist was great. He took a digital x-ray (wow, what resolution!!) just to be sure. No problems. I showed him what I thought was a corn, and what do you know, he agreed!! I handed him the print out from Grassmere on how to remove it without putting the dog under. He commented that he had never done it that way but was willing to try. Spartacus barely even flinched. He said to call in 2 weeks with an update, at which time he fully expects Spartacus to be back to his old self. Needless to say, if that is the case my regular vet and I will be having a serious conversation and I will be looking for a new vet!


I understand that vets are people too and they are entitled to make mistakes, I certainly have in my line of work. However, if someone is insisting each and every time they see you that the problem appears to be in the pad, look a little closer. I really wouldn't be so p o'd if they had missed it and I had missed it and the specialist caught it. Anyway, I am relieved it was a corn.

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Guest LindsaySF

Yay for being just a corn! :yay


You should ask for some of your money back from your vet! :angry: How annoying.


What did they do to remove it? Some of the people in our group have dogs with corns and they dremel them down on a regular basis, it seems to help.


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Guest crazy4greys
Hmm, funny, I remember posting that it wasn't a corn. I remember my regular vet telling me it wasn't a corn even though it looked suspiciously like the one in the print out I brought, only smaller. I also remember them saying that even if it was a corn, it was far too small to cause any discomfort, even though I know a pinprick in the pad can cause discomfort. Believe it or not I even remember that a corn was one of the first things I suggested months ago when this all started, before I paid for numerous office visits, x-rays and blood work. Almost every visit I said, "Look at this pad, is that normal? You can see where this is going.


The orthopedic specialist was great. He took a digital x-ray (wow, what resolution!!) just to be sure. No problems. I showed him what I thought was a corn, and what do you know, he agreed!! I handed him the print out from Grassmere on how to remove it without putting the dog under. He commented that he had never done it that way but was willing to try. Spartacus barely even flinched. He said to call in 2 weeks with an update, at which time he fully expects Spartacus to be back to his old self. Needless to say, if that is the case my regular vet and I will be having a serious conversation and I will be looking for a new vet!


I understand that vets are people too and they are entitled to make mistakes, I certainly have in my line of work. However, if someone is insisting each and every time they see you that the problem appears to be in the pad, look a little closer. I really wouldn't be so p o'd if they had missed it and I had missed it and the specialist caught it. Anyway, I am relieved it was a corn.



I am glad it was just a corn! :clap I hope Spartacus starts to feel better soon! :)


I too would be looking for a new vet! How frustrating that they didn't listen to you :angry:

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Much as I hate corns, I'm soooo glad to hear it was only a corn. There are lots of ideas for dealing with them. Thankfully you were able to hook up with a specialist who recognized what it was (after being prompted and prodded by you).


About your regular vet, I don't know you situation but I can tell you what we did. After our regular vets--whom we love--missed Emmet's corn despite multiple visits and diagnostics, we decided to go to a more greyhound saavy vet for the corns. She's about an hour away, in Central MA. Our regular vets are about 4 miles away, have great hours, and they are willing to fit us in right away on a phone call. We go to them for the lacerations, Martin's broken toe, the dentals, the preventatives. One of their assistants owns a greyhound and they treat other greyhounds in their practice. At this point, I comfortable with them and I respect the fact that they acknowledge the differences between greys and other breeds. If I had any doubts, I'd be vet shopping, too.


YOU did good! :yay I'll bet that lots of GT folks (and lurkers like me for the past year) head right for GT whenever a new symptom or problem comes up. Like parents, we are the best advocates for our greyhounds.


You also might want to consider asking for a refund of some or all of the $$$$$. I took me six months but eventually I was reimbursed for xrays and other services when an e-vet failed to recognize common kennel cough. But that's another story. :rolleyes:


Please keep us posted on your boy's progress with the corns. :wubsite

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With regards to people posting about a new vet and asking for a refund, I fully intend to do so once the two weeks has passed and he is back to his old self. I would just hate to go in there and let em have it, and then have the limp not go away!! The regular vet is supposed to be grey savy though, one of the reason I went there. Neo-paws are on the way, by the way.


Thanks for all the well wishes! Here's a pic of my boy when I told him he could go for walks as soon as his boots come in!




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