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Very Simple Question About Anal Glands

Guest Scouts_mom

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Guest Scouts_mom

My 13 yr old princess, Tia, visited her vet today because she had been licking and licking her rear end. It turns out she has a mild infection in one of her anal glands so now she is on antibiotics. She is thrilled as it means yummy pill pockets twice a day!


But this got me to thinking. I have only heard about anal glands with dogs. Do cats have them? What about people? We're all mammals so it seams likely that we all have similar glands.

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Guest Dillymom

We don't have them. They are found in almost all animals in the order carnivora which includes wolves, dogs, cats, raccoons, bears, weasels, hyaenas, seals, and walruses


Sea otters and bears don't have anal glands.

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