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Grey's Fragile Skin — Help!

Guest Althea

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So Silas banged his leg heading up our outdoor stairs today and has a pretty huge cut — 3" long and the skin is 'spreading' by about half an inch. He's had some doozies before, but he's so stoic that I don't even see them until they start to scab over. I don't know if this one is actually worse or if I'm just seeing it in the early stages — it's still bleeding a bit and he's licking at it.


Should I just go to the vet straight away? Can they even do stitches on a grey, or do they just bandage with some antibiotic ointment?



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If it is spreading, I would likely go get some stitches (yes, they stitch greyhounds). Greyhounds have such tight thin skin that I find even the smallest of nicks tend to spread wide open...I learned that the hard way. I find it doubles in size by the next day. It will eventually heal on its own without stitches but it will take a much longer time and you will have to be diligent about keeping it clean and keeping him away from it.

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Guest MrsDooLittle

My two boys have each had stitches for what you're describing. Though the cuts weren't very deep, their fragile skin just tended to cause the wound to spread open every time they moved.


If you're not sure, at least call your vet. Or post a pic and we'll probably tell you to go to the vet...lol....because if most folks are like me we'd rather be safe than sorry.



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OK, I'm taking him into the vet in an hour. Is anyone else's pup completely not phased by these cuts? My boy raced a full career, so I'm not sure if he just has a higher pain threshold or what, but he's obviously not bothered by what looks like a huge cut to me:



He's even making his contented sleep noises!


Contrast this to my girl Viola, who whimpers if you pet her the wrong way! But she's A. still a pup and B. wasn't a racer.


(Edited for accidental smiley.)

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Guest TheDoggfather

Kinda dark pic... can't tell if the skin's evulsed or not. While it looks bad, it doesn't appear to be something to be freaked out over (not saying you're freaking out... just sayin'). I'm not going to be of much helpin suggesting what to do, cuz, I'd really have to see the booboo to make an assessment.


But, for me... just looking at that pic, I'd take care of it at home and let it heal up on it's own... You'd be amazed at how well these dogs' skin can heal by itself when you keep a wound clean.

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Guest lanielovesgreys
Kinda dark pic... can't tell if the skin's evulsed or not. While it looks bad, it doesn't appear to be something to be freaked out over (not saying you're freaking out... just sayin'). I'm not going to be of much helpin suggesting what to do, cuz, I'd really have to see the booboo to make an assessment.


But, for me... just looking at that pic, I'd take care of it at home and let it heal up on it's own... You'd be amazed at how well these dogs' skin can heal by itself when you keep a wound clean.


How do you treat it at home? I ask because Sol has this wound on his leg that he keeps re-opening. Do you wrap it? Have you found some way to keep him from picking at it?



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Yeah, my digital camera's broken and I'm using the built-in camera on my laptop. What does the skin look like if its evulsed? (Did a google search and didn't find anything that seemed to apply...?)

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Guest TheDoggfather

Keeping it clean is foremost... best to flush it with water for several minutes several times a day (out of a garden hose works just fine).


You also have to determine if the 'hole' in the skin has stopped spreading, if it has, nothing is better for it than fresh air. Now if there's any muscle damage, then of course, I'd take the dog in to see a vet, but, if it's just the skin... well... nah. Irrespective of whether you want to bandage it or not, you should still apply some sort of antibiotic to the site. A good triple antibiotic like Neosporin works good for things like this... als, believe it or not... bag balm does a good job on keeping holes in your dog clean and helps to facilitate healing.

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The last couple of times he's cut himself I've done just that — applied some Neosporin and left it open and they seemed to heal just fine. (He just pays no attention to how close he's cutting the outside stairs when he sprints up them, and they're lined with gritty non-slip treads...) This one is a bit bigger and is bleeding more, so I think I'll take him in.


Doggfather: your pups are just gorgeous! King Vito's puppy pics on greyhound-data are great — I thought I recognized that Whistler black nose!


Thanks for the advice, everyone!



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Kinda dark pic... can't tell if the skin's evulsed or not. While it looks bad, it doesn't appear to be something to be freaked out over (not saying you're freaking out... just sayin'). I'm not going to be of much helpin suggesting what to do, cuz, I'd really have to see the booboo to make an assessment.


But, for me... just looking at that pic, I'd take care of it at home and let it heal up on it's own... You'd be amazed at how well these dogs' skin can heal by itself when you keep a wound clean.


I agree with this. I would call the vet though just to aprise them. With Scarlett there was a doberman who played far too hard and tore her open several times on her neck. I would clean the wound, put Bacitracin on it and butterfly bandage it. Since this always happened at night I would end up talking to the vet in the morning. His answer was always that I knew my girl best and to keep it clean, watch it and bring her in if I thought it warranted it. I also found that the cuts that were not stitched, didn't scar the way the stitched cuts did.


When the same dog ripped an 8" opening in her side that went down several levels, then we rushed to the evet. And then I wanted to kill the human who swore her dog didn't do it. Nope, it was the Jack Russel...


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I do agree with Dogfather in that if it were me...I would likely just take care of it at home. However, with that being said, I worked at a vet clinic for 8 years and have a great deal of first aid experience in all kinds of animals. Koda had a bad cut on her foot once that was right to the bone (ya, not hard to do with greyhounds :rolleyes: ) and I decided to treat it myself. The next day the hole was twice the size (which is how I learned the bad way how much their skin stretches) but it was likely too late to stitch so i diligently cleaned it (water w/Betadine) once a day and re-wrapped it each day (non-stick gauze, vet-wrap, and polysporin applied on the EDGES of the wound...never put it right into the hole). It healed just fine and never got infected, however, it took about 5 weeks to close. With stitches...it would have likely only have taken a week or two. So, that is why I recommended stitches. It is easier and it will heal faster even though the cut doesn't look 'that' bad per se.

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Paul is working on a 5 week wound that is now scabbed over. In the beginning I flushed it with saline every couple of days. Someone suggested that I use a telfa pad and emt gel, then vet wrap. I am lucky because Paul doesn't bother with bandages. Some dogs would probably pick at it. After two weeks and not healing, he was very close to going to the vet, but the emt gel did the trick. I have been giving him clean bandaging every week. Another week I will most likely remove the bandage.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
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Guest jziegler

In addition to stitches, they sometimes use staples too. I came home one night last week to a big cut on my Morgan's head. About an inch and a half long. I looked at it, and was going to clean it, but it looked pretty wide and deep. I called the vet (happy for late hours that night), and they took her an hour later. She came home with 9 staples in her head (hey, we got a "Bride of Frankenstein" Halloween costume from it), pain killers, and antibiotics. The picture you post isn't real clear, but the cut doesn't look nearly that bad.


Sometimes going to the vet or not is a hard call. I'd err on the side of an unnecessary trip if you're not sure, especially if you can go to your regular vet, not an emergency vet (they are VERY expensive).


Of course, as you read this, you've probably already been to the vet. Good luck.



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So, we just got home from the vet and my boy has quite a few stitches, some antibiotics and some pain meds to get him through. Here's a pic of he handiwork:


The vet said he wouldn't have left this without stitches because of the placement on his leg — right where the 'calf' muscle starts to bulge out would mean the cut was under constant expansion / contraction.


He seems to be doing fine, but I'm watching him closely — this was his first anesthesia since we've had him. Here's a picture of the boy post-op, just before his vanilla ice cream treat:




Thanks for all the advice everyone — its great to have so many knowledgeable greyhound people to 'talk' with.


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Poor Paul! What's emt gel? Is that at all like "nuskin" or other liquid bandage products?


When the same dog ripped an 8" opening in her side that went down several levels, then we rushed to the evet. And then I wanted to kill the human who swore her dog didn't do it. Nope, it was the Jack Russel...


I can't believe people sometimes — just take responsibility for your dog!

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Guest KennelMom
Kinda dark pic... can't tell if the skin's evulsed or not. While it looks bad, it doesn't appear to be something to be freaked out over (not saying you're freaking out... just sayin'). I'm not going to be of much helpin suggesting what to do, cuz, I'd really have to see the booboo to make an assessment.


But, for me... just looking at that pic, I'd take care of it at home and let it heal up on it's own... You'd be amazed at how well these dogs' skin can heal by itself when you keep a wound clean.



ditto. But, when in doubt, go to the vet. I've also known verrrrry few vets who would say they wouldn't stitche or staple something up. That is how they make their money, after all. You'll occasionally find a good ol' country vet that will shoot real straight and practical with ya.

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Guest greytexplorer


another reason to go to the vet is to get antibiotics for your pup, which you did.

Mandy was tagged by a raccoon (raccoon actually "jumped" her) and tore a long gash between Mandy's shoulder blades.

She had 12 stitches and a drain and a shot of Convenia (antibiotic injection) which lasts up to 14 days in the dog's system, and I didn't have to pill her every day :clap Mandy is the WORST pilltaker <_<

There was no doubt in my mind that Mandy needed stitches (the wound splayed open like 3 inches :eek and I knew she would need antibiotics cuz we were dealing with a raccoon, not a sliding glass door :rolleyes:

IMG_05111.JPG Here's hoping for happy healing!!

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